To be fair, the Bucs are the perfect team for when you’re up for whatever.
To be fair, the Bucs are the perfect team for when you’re up for whatever.
I love how this play was so amazingly awkward, even the official fell on his ass.
FINALLY!!!....[Shits in hands, throws it all over the office, strips to his socks and runs from the building screaming, “The first sign of the start of the 2015/16 NFL season is here!!!”]
From article here:
Yeah but I squirm when I hear the gravel hitting the cars.
It’s funny, no matter how much I love cars I’ve never enjoyed burnouts in the least. It just looks like dollar bills being burned to me.
I also worked at a Subway (so glad to hear these are your favorite stories). My story is short but fucked up: I worked there when I was 16, and was often left alone. This was in a small New England town before the present heroin/pill epidemic became a problem. so that was really no big deal, plus my parents lived a 10…
*At a fried chicken place somewhere in San Antonio*
When my ex and I started dating, I had a 2006 Evo IX MR. He hated that car. He didn’t like the seats (too broad for the Recaros), didn’t like the look (too ricey), and he hated the attention it got me. He finally convinced me to sell it a few years into our relationship. He said he’d never let me drive another,…
I don’t know if this counts as a fight but some bitch on the subway punched me in the face because I dared to ask her to move her bag so I could sit (I’m a tiny woman). She waited until her stop and punched me right before the doors opened and I lost my fucking mind - some guy was blocking her in case I wanted to have…
I was changing the oil, spark plugs, wires and coils in my rotary powered rx8.
constantly? Here’s wikipedia’s list of fatal accidents since it went operational in 2007:
Sooo....he did this to his buddy’s car? This is why I don’t let anybody drive my shit...
Liar! He hosts a radio programme.
My best car sex story is the one about how I have NEVER HAD SEX IN A CAR BEFORE :(:(:(
Get ready for a bunch of made up stories from all the fourteen year-olds on summer break.
The blast of poo coming out of that guy was moving so fast it turned into vapor.
Buys a car for .6M sells it for 12M, magic. Almost a 2000% it’s original value.
Yeah but at that time Renault was a 100% government owned company, and France had a handful of Communist govt ministers, such as the secretary of Transportation. So technically the R5 turbo is a commie car.