
Pussy, the insult, comes from the word pusillanimous, which means showing a lack of courage or determination. You’re not calling them a vagina, you’re calling them a coward.

you always THINK you can get away with a cheap hammer until you get your hands on a good one....it’s a surprising difference (and i’m not talking about the difference between a “basic hammer” and a specialized hammer) just the difference between like a $10-$20 basic hammer and a $50-$75 hammer

You do have to be aware of how much things cost at a ‘regular’ store to know if you’re getting a bargain or not. Do NOT buy toilet paper at the Dollar Tree. It wasn’t a bargain even at a dollar a 4-pack.

Of course, that’s kind of a privilege of not being poor. A poor person might HAVE to buy the lesser value package

Welcome to Biden’s America where anyone can just customize their genitals. The woke left has gone too far. Bunch of biological half-orcs unfairly competing against githyankis. It’s a travesty.

He’s got over 15 million subs on YouTube.  Your anecdotal lack of awareness of him does not negate his popularity.  

The town where I grew up had many old Victorian houses where rooms had been subdivided decades ago, a few of them to hide bootlegging. It’d be pretty easy to find a place to hide out in that kind of place, unless for example it’s full of bored five year olds who play a lot of hide and seek.

Someone “phrogging” in my home is gonna get a phucking ass whooping.

Not phrogging, but I’m reasonably certain that a friend I had broken up with - even though she had returned the key I had given her - was sneaking into my apartment and hiding my scissors.

Joke’s on you.  I’m a ginger, I don’t have a soul.  

They are 1 of the 3 main actors in the event the article is describing.

No mechanic makes $15/hr. Most make in the range of $25-40/hr plus commission.

“Why isn’t this non-politician, who has never held an elective office, so bad at politics?”

“I can’t tell if these pictures are real or fake”.

So, where else would those kids from south Africa have gotten those shoes?? Why do Americans HATE children so much they want them to BE barefoot!???

My kids watch his videos so I found out about him a couple years ago. My overall take on him is that he seems at least well-intentioned and I’d much rather YouTube influencers act like him than say Logan Paul. He can be pretty tone deaf sometimes but that’s to be expected of a rich white dude in his early 20s, and

Sure, but fancy it up with the Susan B. Anthony silver dollars to show your support for women’s rights.

Guess I’m a cheap bastard because I only pay strippers with 1's.


Dude, he just wrote the article, don’t shoot the messenger.

Pretty sure today’s kids will tell you everything they know about if you just ask them.