If he didn’t need the money, why did he borrow money
If he didn’t need the money, why did he borrow money
NO! Can win means it is to win that is above all else. It means that priority is Trump losing. So just liek I said before, many here think it is better to be a proud loser than to be a improud winner. That is wrong!
Make it Rod 4, Holy Moly 0. You oughta find a hobby instead of getting trolled by some random poster on Kinja.
Nah, the best part was you folding like a cheap suit under the might of my intellect and perspective and then trying to play Mr. Cool Guy because you are embarrassed.
I feel old laughing at that.
Best part was you getting so mad and writing a multi-paragraph response while I’m just laughing my ass off.
You’re first question is really fucking stupid. The same organization represents both U.S. and international players. Your homework is to find out what it is.
This is an incredibly lazy take. The league is a joint venture between private entities and the draft is part of a negotiated agreement between those private entities and the labor force.
Agreed, the current Democratic leadership reminds me of Neville Chamberlain. His fatal flaw (and it should be noted before the war, he was getting Britain ready for such a situation) was that he treated Hitler like he was rational. The current Democratic leadership behaves like the GOP can be rationalized with. In my…
The DNC and Hillary acted like Bernie controls his supporters. IMHO he merely tapped into a populist rage. The same populist rage threw the RNC into disarray when Trump won their nomination.
Mickelson might be a rich self-centered GOP dick, like most pro golfers, but I went to one pro tourney and liked him best of all the golfers there.
MLB owners: socialism is anti-American, it makes people lazy.
He did work hard to leak to the media that he was the one who told Trump to campaign in Michigan towards the end (which is strange since Trump didn’t).
That’s what nauseating listening to the rich talk about how they “overcame failure.” It’s easy to overcome it when you can afford to fail. Most people can only afford to bankrupt one business.
I also remember in 2000 (I was still in high school) that the Dems really ran a scared election in 2000. Clinton was very popular with voters but because of the Lewinsky affair, they kept him in the shadows. It wasn’t till the final months that they finally trotted him out.
It’s nice to see the Parkland survivors standing up for political changes.
In that point, I totally agree. They are philandering rich assholes
So, cheating on your wife every five minutes isnt a trait of many people who arent assholes.
The Nets and Mike Ditka will throw in some first round picks too.
Well I apologize then for making that assumption. Usually when a lot of posters here start ranting about the 2016, they turn to Bernie supporters as the culprits.