Rod Strickland Propane

C’mon Stephen, Applebee’s, the NFL, and Great Clips says veterans and active duty are heros who are infallible and need to be thanked and honored every moment of their lives.

Good to know the Cardinals hired a guy who got fired to make way for the Utah State coach who almost beat Boise State.

10 eggs? No wonder my health care costs are so high.

Boise State, gotta win over Boise State. 

...and these campus police forces basically operate like a private force for the university, not for the community. 

So to summarize, you’re saying because police unions are rotten (you could argue the whole institution of law enforcement is rotten) that all unions are rotten.

In her defense, when she’s talking out of her ass, it’s never going to come out as coherent. 

Not when you compare population sizes and we were not talking about all crimes we were talking about violent crimes before you start trying to bring in white collar crimes

Yup and go fuck off. 

Dude you’re really trying too hard to justify your racism. Whites commit the most crimes, that’s a fact. 

Civility is civility. Its triumph is when it appears at times of heightened emotion or disagreement. I think both sides have to work at it. I don’t think it was “civil” for Omar to be attacked so harshly nor do I think it “civil” for Rep Bryan Sims to harass and call for the Doxxing of young girls praying by an

In theory, the opinion section is what it says: opinion. The idea being a wide cross section of ideas is desirable (even if they are wrong.)

Gun laws aren’t going to make much difference. There are too many guns out there, too easy to get illegally and too many willing to use them.

I’m not missing out on early boarding just because you have zero empathy. Its not like I told my kid to scream as loud as they can.

Just listen to Nancy, she doesn’t seem to think this is a big deal. It’s merely a political issue. 

Politifact? Wow, just wow. Might as well just link Fox News. 

I’m not white. You, however, have my sincere condolences that you are.

I live in the 2nd safest neighborhood in NJ, not a rich area and has a lot of diversity —lots of Indian families who know how to act right regardless that they don’t have much money.

I’m being sarcastic. My jaw dropped when Pelosi said this would be dealt with at the polls. 

Like you said, he wasn’t a coveted manager (and Atletico wasn’t a coveted job) when he first took over.