
I am still waiting for an explanation for why there is a lack of black writers creating original black characters and black movie series beyond Tyler Perry's Madea.

Why can't black people come up with anything? Why do they always have to racially appropriate what whites create? They get offended with whites acting like rappers and I get offended at black people taking over white roles.

So in other words you have nothing to refute with while still arrogantly slinging crap at me?

Couldn't refute, so instead you slander? You are clearly a liberal.

MLK said that, and modern blacks and liberals reject it by their standard of making everyone check that box to indicate gender and skin color, and judging EVERYTHING by race and who does what to pander to skin color over the substance of a person.

Hoo-boy here we go with the race card. Call me when black people can create their own fairy tales, fantasy, comic book movies, sci-fi, and something else that shows some spark of creativity beyond the usual "white guilt" movies.