Todd Bee

I agree with you in the various methods proposed to achieve the christian ideal. I disagree in the basic principals of Christianity. The ideals of humility, kindness, love, charity, etc. are the heart and soul of the faith. Some reach for those goals with honesty and integrity, always seeking to get them right. And

Bigotry in all its various permutations is always about fear (and fear is just so easy to sell). That fear is the reason for all the specifics of racism, just keep classifying so you can both get a sense of understanding and ‘rational distance’. “No, we don’t hate X type of person. It’s just that who they are (or

Their massive freakout, bless their hearts!

Why does God always seem to have so much trouble with money? Is he just not fiscally responsible?  Does he need a budgeting app for his phone?  I don’t get it.

You’re all belaboring the point. Money is a medium of exchange of perceived value. If I paint someone’s house the owner and I will negotiate the perceived value in monetary units. Simple as that.

Beauty is only skin deep, but that kind of ugly goes all the way to the bone.

For Alito’s dissent to be correct, we could only count on the possible meanings a law’s authors had in their heads as legitimate. Think of all the various classifications of people who would lose their basic civil rights if that were the correct way to think about legal definitions. Were there legal decisions and

The distinction couldn’t possibly matter.

I meant I’d bet he’d say something like the words you put in his mouth if he was to come back today.

Class action lawsuit. ‘Nuff said. Love to hear them try and explain “Well the car being parked there would prevent us moving through that area quickly. So we made sure it couldn’t be moved.” to a judge.

“NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell apologized to players Friday for not having listened to their comments earlier about police brutality.

That’s an interesting idea but we American’s get real touchy about the idea of a federal control of almost anything, let alone a police force with authorization for deadly force. The notion is that local control is the best control - sometimes correct and sometimes not. Local control gave the American south Jim Crow

It seems like we’re missing the next step. No one I’ve seen or read has said what’s supposed to happen next. I’m sure there are many many things to change about modern policing - from hiring, to training, to oversight and all the rest, but someone’s going to have figure out all those ugly details, otherwise we might

Love it.  I’d bet you’re right.

Well, look at that will ya’. Threaten a politician’s career path, quest for power, etc., and suddenly doors just start flying open. Doors they told us all would just never move. Good. Politicians being pressed by actual crisis and a public with righteous demands are, or are forced to become, good politicians.

I don’t know why anyone would expect the current Republican crew to suddenly get it. They got where they are by waving the confederate flag - the actual symbol of a slave-supported culture, legal and economic system, and social order. It worked last time and there’s still a chance it will work again for them. How long

My mom, who holds deep knowledge of American history, tried me out on this one, tried telling me it was an attempt to erase the history. I asked her what the point of the confederate statues was. “To remember.” Remember what? “The history.” Of what? “The South”. Which was? “The Civil War.” etc, etc, etc. We went

Who would have thought the ‘thorny issue of the day’ for the republicans is, do we support the racist who says it all out loud, or the one who keeps it just barely on the DL.

Yup. Could not agree more. The surest way to make a person look a fool is to quote them. Exactly. Now live-streaming lets them speak their idiocy directly to the world.

What really burns my ass is that the family were probably respectful to Trump, when he isn’t fit to lick their boots.