Todd Bee

“I would not take his call expecting to be comforted.”  I can not imagine the universe in which a call from that man could produce comfort for such a loss.  That place does not exist.

Which will in fact give Trump and hisconservative” cult actual instances of being silenced, edited and censored - just like the law will now require them to do. How many microseconds before we see the the T-shirts:

Agreed. On both points. So much of the news has become a vehicle for outrage and little else. All heat, little light. And Biden and crew can not forget what turns so many of us off to Trump. If he’s just Trump lite then what’s the point?

I wish the slice of the American population that responds to the ‘academic’ tone you describe was larger.

Obama would laugh. I like that about him. Biden would tease him about it, maybe even try to take credit for it. I like that about him. Trump would whine - TO US - endlessly. How unfair to not adore me! I do not like that about him.

We could simply look to see if as the testing rates increase, the number of new cases goes up or down relative to the increase in testing. That’s data that the CDC already tracks, otherwise they would always need to test the same number of people to see an increase or decrease. Of course the current administration

And thus the difference between ass-hatery and real sacrifice. The healthcare workers won’t actually do that. They will calmly do their jobs, looking the risk of death and disease right in the face the whole time. That is actual patriotism - not putting yourself and your needs first.

The odd thing to me is how much support still remains from the military. The real bad-asses I knew when I was in the Navy could spot Trump’s brand of horseshit from orbit. They make a clear distinction between self-serving platitudes and actual support. Real support looks like the military being reserved for strictly

You are expecting a calm, reasoned explanation for crazy.  You will be disappointed.

I want to clarify a bit more. The McMichaels had no reason whatsoever to suspect theft from the construction site. There is nothing of value you can take from a construction site while continuing on jog around the neighborhood.

I do not mean to defend the actions of anyone in this situation. They were all just flat out criminal, but theft of materials and construction equipment is a huge problem. Happened to my dad. He bought a small farm on the Connecticut/Mass. border. They broke in and took everything. And there was a lot. They took their

And of course, to those who would defend the McMichaels, Arbery was expected to remain perfectly calm and not react in anyway to the obvious threat of two armed men jumping out of a truck and coming toward him. He didn’t accept their ‘obvious’ authority, so it’s all on Arbery.

Yes. I suppose so. If one clubs oneself to death with it.

The people organizing this have indeed thought this through. This is not about, “Bringing the Dem Conspiracy to Crash Trump’s Economy” to light. This is about disruption and fracturing. The ability to cast one more story as another Red v Blue moment. The logical consequences of behavior has never been the point for

These are difficult times indeed my friend.  Be strong.

You brought Reason to an idiocy fight my friend. But of course you know the canned Republican response. ‘We don’t hate women and minorities at all. So long as they don’t want to change anything ever. In fact, you brought up women and minorities in the first place, so doesn’t that make you the real racist? Why, I’ll

For the sake of disruption, to continue fracturing the public. To convince a larger and larger section of the electorate that anything red is good, anything blue is bad. And that there is no such thing as NOT red or blue. That if the news they hear disagrees Trump and the conservative media-verse it’s to be dismissed a

Crazy X stupid is just stupid crazy.

It amazes me that they don’t even pretend to hide their intent today. If more voting equals more democracy - as one of my very Republican relatives constantly says - where’s the money? Where’s the push to register **everybody**, or the effort expand polling stations, ensure a paper trail, provide real election

I tried using the handbrake on a slippery, mild down hill once. As soon as I touched that lever my car’s back end wanted to come up front and say, hi.  Was sure I was about to die.