Agreed. It is a shame that we live in a time when sitting next to a person is seen as a political act.
Agreed. It is a shame that we live in a time when sitting next to a person is seen as a political act.
This has actually been the entirety of Trump’s response to every accusation since he’s been in the public eye. There was an interview of him during the campaign where he was shown a video of himself saying some horrible thing (probably about immigrants, I don’t recall.) He says the thing in the video - with him…
I love your imagery. But I suspect the current Toddler-in-Chief will not be quieted by being removed or voted out. He will hang on to the adulation from his base until the last of them draws breath. I would bet money on him still holding those rallies even after he’s out of office. They would be sad, un-American,…
Civics equals learning the rules. Trump equals ignoring all the rules - especially if you know them.
So he was asking a country ‘full of corruption’ to provide an investigation of his political opponent? Well we can’t trust them but lets have them investigate an American citizen. While we’re at it, how’s about we ask the Mafia to provide an investigation of the Attorney General. Lots of people are saying they should…
Well if racism made sense they wouldn’t need violence would they. Violence comes along when you’re idea is wrong but you demand your way regardless.
You can find examples of this exact idea, stated in various forms, all over the place in Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”.
Well said. All of these republicans who decry the evils of government control benefit every single day from socialism. Or are they confused about the entire point of:
I suggest they just come right out in the open. They’ll feel so much better if they just say it all out loud. It’s time for the republican party to run on removing the vote from anyone who:
It’s the same mentality that makes teens do useless, self defeating stunts. “Oh yeah!? You think that was a bad idea, well just watch this one!!!” That attitude has always gotten a lot of play in our culture. Just how many, ‘unconventional hero’ movies have that same guide star? Might be fun to watch as a mindless…
I believe you meant to say ... “SAD!”
A perfectly normal moment:
I’m not sure Boris is a puppet so much as he’s perfectly willing to set fire to whatever will burn. Just because he wants to see if he can. His own description of his political coming out was, (heavy paraphrasing ahead) I was throwing stones (his anti-EU criticisms) over the garden wall. Every time one crashed into…
Wonder if this could be modified. Maybe poach the chicken to 90% done, cut ‘er up into parts and toss on a hot grill. You’d get all the juiciness of poaching along with the smokey, crispiness of grilling.
Oo! Oo! Pick Me!! I know where they should put it!!!
I don’t think it’s unfair to hold a cop responsible for what happens to someone in his custody. If a friend leaves his kid with me and the kid breaks an arm, I’m negligent for either not stopping the kid, or for not knowing what was going on. That is not a very high standard. Can we aim at least that high please?
While I never really gave any concrete thought to the notion, “Should cops report every incident where they point a gun at someone”, I bet the sanity check loop in my head would have come back with, “Why would a cop ever point a gun at anyone except in a situation that already required some sort of report anyway?!?!”…
I agreed that “novelty” items to increase rate of fire or make magazine capacity way too large were pointless to police. Until they were successfully used to kill and wound over 100 people in Las Vegas. Sure turned out to be a problem for all those dead people (I know, that’s just sensationalism). And if there is such…
That seems like a real possibility. The practice of deception worked pretty well when Reagan was selling “Star Wars.” I remember some policy experts of the time opining that the Soviets were terrified of the idea. Made them spend billions on finding ways around it. And that the US never actually did much more than…
Not that I think this makes everything all right (I’d have to be even dumber than I already am). But at least the official line quickly became, “It was unacceptable and we’ll actually come up with an official policy that we shouldn’t do that again.” It’s a step. Not a great leap, but at least a step.