Todd Bee

Why wasn’t she the NRA’s poster girl for the ‘good person with a gun’?

That’s the part about displays of patriotism that make me ‘itchy’. There’s always just a hint of coercion behind them. I don’t have a problem with love of country and expressing it. But it’s just so easy to slip from, “I love my country,” into, “I will hurt anyone who doesn’t show just as much love of my country.” Patr

Reminds me of my own internal sanity check. I just ask myself, “Is the thought in my head one that would Ted Nugent be cool with?”

God bless you sir/madam as the case may be.

You’re right. My mistake. I was actually upset about this, so mis-read what was right in front of me. But both sports are stupid - let’s see how many times we can hit each other in the head, until one of us finally has some brain damage. That’s of course my opinion of the sport and we can all differ in our opinions,

This was entirely predictable. If nothing changes, no protective head gear, no gloves, allowing someone to punch away at the head of a person already knocked down, etc., this will happen again. You don’t need any special training to figure out this sport will lead to traumatic brain injuries, permanent loss of

Sure. It was economics. The economics of being able to own another person. Ownership justified by saying there were certain classes of people who really weren’t as capable so it’s ok. Awfully lucky those who were less capable - and I guess ‘available’ - could be so easily spotted by looking for: skin color, odd

I would go with a classic G&T. If you have the IQ of the lime wedge used for the drink you can make one. And any bar that is actually a bar will have gin and tonic.  Tangy, cool, simple and not too pricey.

She might just have more of an impact as a Senate Majority leader.  She would get to decide which bills come to the floor.  That is a lot of power.

I believe that is the literal definition of politics.

Aren’t people supposed to learn and change? Aren’t politicians supposed to see the change people want and then pursue it?

Kamala ‘The-Buzz-Saw’ Harris :)

Nah. Don’t sweat it. If Hillary Clinton was able to destroy Trump in her debates (And she did. I saw it.) Imagine how it would go if he was in the ring with Kamala Harris. He will think he stuck his face in a buzz saw. She is a badass. Biden? He’s fun. He’s ‘cute’. Not a badass.  That was the vibe I got when I saw her

Yeah. I think that reluctance comes from the notion (sometimes right, sometimes wrong) that there is no control with cash. You can’t make sure someone doesn’t ‘do the wrong thing with it’, right? At it’s worst it shows a paternalistic attitude toward ‘poor people’. At best it shows a desire to look beyond the needs of

I wrote this earlier and dumbly assumed you’d see it ...

What about the idea of an initial cash payout combined with some sort of ‘shares’ in the community? For most people to have their lives changed by a single windfall, the amount would need to be pretty large. If people who don’t own property and already don’t have much money were given both some money, and a stronger

Investing in communities rather than cutting checks is an interesting idea. For those who don’t own property in the area, they could be given ‘shares’ of some sort, similar to public bonds. You can keep your bonds and vote for or against various programs and projects in the community- one share = one vote. You could

The picture you chose is an example of a proportionate act; Meeting violence with violence. Trump’s and the server’s situation is not the same.

I do not think that’s all the protest there is, and did not say so. I was talking about this incident and how it’s possible it could hurt ‘the resistance’ more than help it. I’m sure in the next news cycle or two no one will care any longer.  But a personal, physical attack is not something I want to have to stand

Well, I like the ‘turnabout is fair play’ attitude on how to respond. But spitting on someone is not a productive form of protest. The essential purpose of protest is to set the narrative straight in the eyes of the public and thus create change. Did the server’s actions actually do that? It does for people who