Voting. The basic premise of democracy is that the people can actually govern themselves - by policing their representatives.
Voting. The basic premise of democracy is that the people can actually govern themselves - by policing their representatives.
Isn’t the basic idea of eugenics, that some group or authority decides what other people are allowed to reproduce? How is controlling one’s own reproduction eugenics? By this same logic, a thermometer going down makes it cold outside, and a hygrometer causes or dispels the rain.
The republicans are not worried about that at all. They worry about two things. How much power can they get, and will anyone actually be willing to stop them. Look at the debate over Trump’s financial records. A first year law student could have seen how the court would rule. The White House’s position was wrong on…
I don’t agree. This country has a long track record of being conservative - mostly in conserving who gets to have power. The political tides only go against the right when they screw up so badly we just can’t stand the smell any longer. And after engineering another financial collapse.
Silence only ever favors the oppressor. The opposite of love is not hatred. It’s indifference.
Rafi - More direct quotes please. I still don’t know what supposedly dumb things he actually said. I mean I believe you, but please demonstrate.
I thought “Iranian Proxies” were the ones who helped us end the ISIS Caliphate. Weren’t they the one’s actually bleeding on the battlefield for us?
And the Soviets were not constrained by our notion of ‘fair play on the battlefield.’ They still just gave up.
“Mitch McConnell Promises to Block Progressive Legislation Until His Very Last Breath”
Man! When the Doctor Who crowd sees what you’ve done to their beloved David Tennant, they’ll burn this place to the ground!
I don’t have an issue (mostly) with anyone being on the air and expressing an opinion. Trouble is Fox, CNN and MSNBC are all racing each other to the bottom. The format for all of them is the same:
Always comes down to money and power. Throw access to a big pile of either one or both and gangs of soulless troglodytes will grab hold with both hands.
And I’m sure if he looses the election he wouldn’t do anything nasty. Like suggest that all those ‘illegals pouring over the boarder’ were bought by Soros and came here to vote in the millions. “The vote was a ballot-box coup!!” He’d never stoop that low, would he?
And then there’s the prospect of what happens if he loses, follows the rules and leaves office. Do you imagine for one moment that he will just fade away? He’s still got the Twitter. Fox News will continue humping that leg long as there’s a buck to make. And how many of his deplorables will continue to call him the…
So I guess most gun owners are ... honest, law-abiding citizens. Who are waiting for the slightest excuse to violently overthrow the government???
They never count on the fact that the military would fall heavily on all sides who weren’t regulars. There might be some dissent in the ranks but not enough to matter.
So they asked a politician a question. And he answered. In a political manner. Who would have seen that one coming?
Odd how that handbook doesn’t cover the shift in the balance of power vast amounts of wealth brings. (We’re all supposed to know and accept that, just don’t say it out loud in polite company.)
If she was the aggressor it sure would have ended differently. She’d be dead.
Fighting over access to his tax returns is a wast of time. It’s a distraction. Hell, Trump is probably glad to fight about this right now. Lots of tweat-able fodder. It’s private information and until it’s not, Trump would probably win in court to keep it private. And when he wins that battle he’ll just never shut up…