Todd Bee

Because centrists, on either side of the aisle, have been the way forward since we’ve had democracy. To assume that removing dissent in your ranks is ultimately a positive is short sighted. You might win the battle, but ultimately burn down the castle.

This would be a good reply - if it actually came from the Republicans and Trump. There are actual people there who need help and they should get it regardless of their voting record.

I will wear my “On The List” badge with pride. Might even get the tattoo.

I disagree with your comment,

Not sure if the population would stand for a social housing solution. And like it or note you need the population on your side with such massive structural changes. The government is simply the representation of the people who vote. How many voting home owners would stand behind a politician who promised to bring down

I would feel sorry for those slugs. What an unholy environment to have to earn a living. Yuck.

There’s got to be some little sub-clause in there that’s not well known. Might be able to work around it.

Wow! Well, aren’t we just the most special creature to ever slop around in the Washington swamp ooze. Stone actually revels in his own grandiose awfulness. But of course he pleads like a chickenshit when the judge, someone with actual power, confronts him.

Classic narcissist response. ‘I didn’t do it.’Well, even if I did, it’s not really all that bad. You’re just being dramatic.’ Simply can not turn that ability to judge on oneself. That pious finger only ever points at the rest of the world.

Love the picture you chose for this story. It’s perfect. The facial expression just reeks of “Why are we even doing this? We all know I’m supposed to win. I have all the right traits: white, powerful, male, religious pedigree. Now were’s that apology you all owe me already?”

Never even heard of the school but this is good to see.  Now and then the good guys win.


Yes. Violent extremism is one possible outcome of a person aligning with a faith. It is not the most likely. That is one possible outcome of aligning with any system of belief; capitalism, socialism, or any term you can follow with an ‘ism’. To present the notion that because it is possible with a religion, the

From people’s perception of acceptable behavior.  Just because religions usually codify their own sets of acceptable behavior, and most them agree on the larger issues of good and bad, does not mean all sound moral principals can only come from a faith.  The general sense of fairness humans have existed before faith.

Because a society’s laws and a religion’s laws largely agree on acceptable human behavior does not mean that all law is derived from a religious base. Or that religion is necessary to define a basis for moral behavior (and the relationship of privileges, protections, and obligations between individuals and society the

As far as faith being a mental illness, I think that’s a bit of a stretch but even if you were right, so what? As my mother used to say, some person being crazy is not a problem. It’s only a problem when they want to force other people to come along for the ride.

I gnaw hunks off an 8 oz block of Aldi, store brand cheese (orange only), interspersed with roasted vegi store brand ‘ritz’ and gulps of a good Cabernet.  In front of the TV.  My TV. Hello bachelor heaven.

This disagreement you two are having is the reason our founders wanted a clear, bright line between religion and the state. The moral foundations of one can inform the other, but one can never be allowed to dominate.

My wife has this same car, same color even.  It’s a cheater, and we both love it. Heated seats, Fender sound system, solid footing and fantastic diesel mileage numbers. So much to love.

Maybe it’s a bad idea to allow a group with arrest and deadly force authorization to investigate itself.