I love the term wackadoodle. And there is so much call for it today. Works in so many contexts, isn’t considered offensive or denigrating, has no (known) racial baggage. Just love it.
I love the term wackadoodle. And there is so much call for it today. Works in so many contexts, isn’t considered offensive or denigrating, has no (known) racial baggage. Just love it.
Thank God someone is on top of this issue! Way To Go PETA!! Okay everyone, that should do it. Problem solved. Now lets all go get drunk as skunks.
Maybe a better idea would be a human blockade of protesters around the tree. Even better, make it a silent protest. No yelling. No chanting. No pushing, throwing, fighting. Just make it impossible for them to get to the tree and hold their precious symbolic tree lighting; Unless they’re willing to push and shove and…
This is why the new version of the political right is all about loyalty. It’s the same logic I saw with friendships in high school. It doesn’t matter whether your friend is right or wrong. If you want to be a friend you go along. Simple as that.
Reminds me of my relationship with my step-dad. Took me 30 years to figure out he’s going to be an asshole whether I acquiesce, resist or remain silent. So I just decided to ignore him and do whatever the hell I wanted.
Because he’s a sensationalist, a populist, and a conservative. The ticket to being in the news show discourse for the conservative media requires at least one of those. All you need today to become the darling of the right-wing of the media is to actually say the things any normal, right-thinking person isn’t willing…
PLEASE let it happen! This would be bigger and better than if Beto had won in Texas.
Looks like any sort of giveaway for voting might not be legal.
Glad to learn its origin. I assumed it was from Scotland because my grandfather, who was still Scottish enough to speak a good bit of Gaelic, used the word more than a few times.
I remember the first time I heard that “make it more black” lunacy. It was Phylicia Rashad recounting the time a director or some such asked her to make her character “more black”. I don’t recall all the details, it was a long time ago. It’s just one more example of the standard, daily, usual, not-at-all-surprising…
It’s ok to love the RDR2 bugs. It’s just not ok to LOOOOVE the RDR2 bugs.
This is about generating buzz around this (horrific) topic. For Trump it’s a brilliant tactic. It’s red meat to his ‘border security’ zealots and even the middle of the road ‘follow the rules’ immigration crowd can get behind it saying, ‘why are we afraid to ask the question, to examine this logically?’
Yeah. I’m old. I don’t remember anyone’s name. Life is too short for this BS. I just own up to having forgot, say ‘Oh yeah. Good to see you.’ and then move on with my life. If the person mattered that much we’d already be closer.
Why on earth would the current president actually want this issue resolved? It is now the primary motivating force for his slice of the electorate. The longer the immigration issue continues, and the more desperate the immigrants become, the closer the reality matches his/their depiction of it. He gains nothing by…
I disagree that the republicans would have a hard time dealing with that image. I think that is the image they’re actually after. My co-worker, a solid republican, claims to see Facebook comments along the lines of, ‘This is an invasion, so let’s just shoot them already.’ My co-worker is at least deeply troubled by…
We can all safely use Ted Nugent as a sanity check. Ask yourself:
Invincible in peace and invisible in war.
Well done sir/madame.
It’s not his fault. He was just reacting to all of her radical, left-wing, hatred (a.k.a. speaking as though she’s entitled to). She should have known better than to blargity, blargity, blarg, blarg!!
I’m not even female and I want to be part of that army. Where do I sign my 50-year-old-white-male ass up?