Todd Bee

Wouldn’t it make more sense, for the long term, to simply require a 2/3 majority for supreme court nominees? Everyone talks about the need to compromise, to work together. Wouldn’t this go a long way to actually accomplishing that goal? If the justices are supposed to ‘within the mainstream’ what better way to achieve

Trump’s ‘lack of clothing’ is in fact what appeals to his supporters.  Since they have convinced themselves that they are victims and he is their champion they only care that his lie supports their lie.

Well “Quaint” is diplomatic “Stupid”.

I disagree. I have been patiently dismantling the more extreme arguments of my co-worker ever since the election. The most successful approach has been to actually encourage the questions. When I get things like, ‘Why do the Dems want open boarders?!?!” I say, “I don’t know that they do, but that’s a really good

I’ve always been a fan of the, ‘how many people would need to be in on the lie’ approach. Appeal to the common sense notion that you can’t get three people to agree on where to go for lunch, so imagine trying to get 100-plus people to tell a lie. The same lie. Every time. For years.

The republicans always pray for bad weather on election day. They know that lower turnout - less representation - means they have a better shot. Imagine the nerve it takes to openly tell the electorate that the fewer of you who exercise your right, the better chance we have of holding power.

Wow! I was completely unaware of that. That is one special brand of self-righteous racism right there.  If it weren’t so disgusting it would be impressive.

Lawyers live in an endless ocean of run-on sentences.  Just the right level of ambiguity is what makes lawyering possible. 

Can the dance-off be held in a field lightly sprinkled with anti-personnel mines?

Not to be difficult but I think you missed a detail. They want this to apply to people who are here in the country legally. It puts the lie to the ‘we just want them all to follow the rules’ argument. Follow the rules and we’ll still screw you.

Skipped “balls” day too.

Paul Ryan. A complete waste of a pair of balls. 

The high-end career criminals flat out expect the people who handle their money will steal from them.  They’d do it themselves. That’s just the cost of business.

Doesn’t this automatically put him at risk of prosecution for tax evasion?

I’m taking a risk. I am asking an earnest question about a hot-button topic. On the internet. Well, here goes ...

You are a beautiful human being.

So that guy, the one in the picture at the top of this article; He thinks he represents the best the entire human gene pool can do?  Wow!  Swing and a miss!

About Efin Time!!!  They keep handing the press axes.  Time to chop off some heads.

Unfortunately the cognitive dissonance is what appeals to his supporters. That is what they’re actually talking about.

Nope. 53 over here. And a swing and a miss on the whole shaming by age, though.