Todd Bee

That’s why they make moving trucks/vans. The $200-$300 you pay to move your stuff every few years is much cheaper than outright owning a vehicle that can do the job. I finally convinced my wife the VW wagon was a better choice than an 8-passenger SUV. She wanted the extra space in case our 3 kids wanted to bring

My first car was a hatchback. My last car will be a hatchback. In fact my first hatch - a pretty little blue, used Honda Civic made in the late 70's - could fit a 12-foot-long, pine 1 x 12 in there. Fold the rear seats forward, the front seat back. Put the end of the board in the front foot well. Bend the board up in

Oops. Wrong response. My bad.

The headline of this article started my B.S. sensors tingling (No, I did not read the article yet). Imagine the outcry if the headline was about a man talking about what it means to be a woman. I do realize there are scores of men who would be willing give that a try, and fail exquisitely. When it comes to detailing

I have discovered the secret to the micro vacation. Take off a Friday and the following Monday. You get a four-day work week, followed by a four-day weekend, and a final four-day work week. It’s the best. All for spending only two PTO days. And having two week days in your mini-vacation means you can actually go and

Thank you Breanna for this ray of sunshine. I wish I lived in a world where a sensible person would be puzzled by the need for a story like this, rather than delighted by it.

I like your last points. That is the opposite of management. A good manager will flat out tell you when they don’t get something and ask to be educated, to be walked through a process or given some context. Even if they disagree with you on a solution at least they’re putting out some actual effort.

I am in my 50's and I am completely unafraid to ask the stupid questions. I even do it when I know someone else in the room doesn’t understand something fundamental. I’ll play dumb and ask if I don’t see them doing it.

I believe the fervent hope on the US / Israeli side is to bring the simmering violence to a boil, to make the sub-text into text. They want it to overflow and thus provide the grounds for open warfare. There has never been the slightest whiff of subtlety coming from Trump’s administration. They see this as the surest

With the ‘late unpleasantness’ (the housing bubble burst), I learned just how bad selling can get. We bought in 2007. Until 2 years ago, we would have had to write a check to sell our house. And we did not over-pay for our house or have a crappy mortgage (30 years, fixed 4.35%). We even put 35% down. Housing is an

I understand what you’re saying but using home-ownership as part of life-long savings has a few potential downsides. Please know, this is completely by the way in regards to the article’s focus on single women owning homes. Totally awesome, and about time.

Kind of reminds me of the classic teenage strategy of asking for way too much and then backing down to something smaller, but still grasping.

Not “keeping your shit on the down low” I think was the point. There’s nothing about the MAGA crowd and their supports that indicates any sense of not, ‘putting it out there.’ They practically dare you to fight them.

At this point in the Trump administration, screwing up your own narrative has become the defense. They’re daring us to hold them to ALL of their lies. No one has time to go after all of them.

I am so glad this man is in my country. Justice was not served in any way by removing him. I want a million more just like him. I hope to live long enough to see it happen.

After sharing the original story with my family, I said if that happened in our house, I would calmly wake everyone up. Then calmly tell them to grab the three things they love best because we now have to burn the house to the ground. With the roomba in it.

Has there ever been a couple who deserved each other more than these two? Two hearts, joined in true scumbagery. ‘bout brings a tear to the eye.

A well considered, intelligent post. Nice. You highlighted that there are some options for some people, but not necessarily everyone. I wish the administration had your ability to give context and perspective. And to translate that nuance into policy.

I disagree. I think Pence would be a giant boat anchor in 2020. He’s fairly competent, but there is nothing about Pence that would motivate the base that put Trump in office. He’d have the evangelicals but that’s about it. And talk about a cold fish. The man makes Paul Ryan look like a screaming pink, be-dazzled,

One of the key functions of journalism is to ask the questions everyone already knows the answer to. Get the officials on the record. And then ask the questions no one ever thought of.