Todd Bee

You know, we’re smart enough to remove dangers like wasp nests in our yards - for our children - but not smart enough to figure out if guns are dangerous we should maybe have not have as many of them around.

That’s just the price of freedom; dead children.

Why would her incompetence make them nervous? I thought that was actually the point of bringing her on. Did I miss something?

Because Fox and Friends will summarily dismiss or ignore it. The new right is not the crowd who actually watches 60 minutes and carefully considers what to think or do.

Because Fox and Friends will summarily dismiss or ignore it. The new right is not the crowd who actually watches 60 minutes and carefully considers what to think or do.

Betsy DeVos: I hesitate to talk about all schools in general because schools are made up of individual students attending them.

Oh, there are just so many to choose from in this administration. I think we’d hit the comment systems character limit.

She’s delusional. Simple as that. She has managed to fool herself. Notice how DeVos talks in sound bites. She gave up actually thinking about this whole education thing a long time back. Nothing else explains her willingness to face a seasoned investigative reporting team, armed with absolutely no facts. She

“This is what a breakdown looks like in high definition. Have fun in jail, Sam!”

Rush really missed the boat on this one. Why would he care of they can vote? So what? Disenfranchising actual voters is something the republicans and the right has down to a science. He should have proposed making it illegal for them to contribute financially or in-kind to political parties, campaigns and candidates.

Salsa’s a great addition to eggs as well. Throw some of that in next time you’re cooking up an egg sandwich. Morning flavor of happiness.

I think you’re spot on. People who are smart, capable and competent find other, smart, capable people to work with. They actively stay away from those who are less capable, so they have a chance at actually doing something useful. Nicely put.

I want to give you all of the stars and all the internets till the end of time! Do I have your permission to put your post on a T-shirt?

Simple. It’s the “I didn’t do it no one saw me do it you can’t prove a thing” defense.


Voting for Roy Moore makes the baby Jesus cry.

There are people who don’t drink out of fear of what they might do, or what they might say. Then some have it both ways - looking at you, DT.

Wonder if Putin will see this as an opportunity. If he actually plays peace broker, and does it by the book, he could gain enormous political capital. He’d then have that to go along with his growing military and resource acquisitions. What better position could he have than to be “The Man” all over the Middle East?

I was in the military when it was still against the rules to be openly gay. They’re logic was impeccable (read, ‘circular’). It’s against the rules, so if you are gay you can be blackmailed for classified information - because it’s against the rules. Even my barley functional 19-year-old male brain instantly came up