For Michael Flynn and the entire Trump multi-verse ...
For Michael Flynn and the entire Trump multi-verse ...
If we cover it in enough (fools) gold Trump might just throw himself under your bus. Ha! Tell him there’s a beauty contestant under there. Woot!
That “bros before ...” attitude can go screw itself six ways from Sunday. You did good. You should be flat out proud. Good man.
That’s a very similar path to my wife’s. She was raised Catholic, and converted to Judaism for her first husband. We all raised her kids Jewish even after they split. (I figured I had no right to come in after the fact and tell the kids, because I’m here, your no longer Jewish.) That has really helped us all stay…
Oh, how I love being in timeout. Timeout rocks!
Oh, how I love being in timeout. Timeout rocks!
I now belong to the department of Customer Delight. It used to be Support and QA.
Godspeed A.J. and family.
Let’s see if the NRA is willing to champion her cause. She did just what they advocate. Why isn’t she’s their ‘good guy with a gun.’?
Left, Right or Middle. Call ‘em out! Thanks Breanna. No matter what anyone else says all you did was report the story and that is a service to everyone. Even to people who can’t appreciate it.
The press is always wrong. No matter how the press handles a situation they’re bound to get it wrong, according to someone. It’s either, they asked the wrong question, they didn’t ask it the right way, they should have followed up, they asked the wrong person and on and on and on. It never ends.
Run the other way and don’t look back. If she’s over at your house, she can GTFO! Your mutual friend can stay, but her? Out you go. There is no need to tolerate that crap for the sake of a buddies love interest. It doesn’t sound like a relationship that can be fixed.
Lauren, I echo your sentiment here, “ ... as it is depressing (is anyone not terrible?)“. It is flat out depressing. I would like to believe that at least a handful of men in power could keep themselves under control. But every day someone I had actual respect for lets me down. And now that it’s politicized we’re in…
I know for a fact that if I snapped my fingers at a server any of the people I’m likely to be with would recoil in horror. My wife, coworkers, kids. I think even my dog would be likely to bite me. I’ve never worked in food service except as part of my time in the Navy but I see how hard that work is. I was raised to…
I agree that the kid ordering for everyone would be annoying as hell and there’s no need for it. When they were younger we did encourage the kids to order for themselves. Learning how to ask for what you want, politely, is an abundantly necessary life skill.
I do wish he had followed up her last statement with, “Thank God you’re here to save us all from ... an overly broad interpretation of the definition of a pollutant.”
Thank God she’s out there! Fighting to save us all from ... an overly broad interpretation of the definition of a pollutant. Finally! A real hero has emerged!
I do understand your argument. If we’re going to actually do something useful we need to understand it. You are correct in that. But I also believe your points and facts put this line of logic squarely in the camp of finding fault with definitions and assumptions. It’s the same level of argument as simply asking…
It’s so much better to be bogged down by the “what is an assault weapon” argument than to decide that actual human lives are worth more than the right to own ridiculous levels of firepower. That’s clearly the way forward.
That’s true. If Spencer’s so caught up in preserving his European Heritage, well then why doesn’t he ship is own ass back to HIS homeland. And the same logic would demand he work to give all of this land back to those who were here before the Europeans showed up. I say go for it Ricky. I bet there’s a long list of…