Todd Bee

I believe the law has some element of that already. If someone says, “Sure would be a shame if something were to happen to your nice store. Terrible accidents happen all the time. Fires, robberies, vandalism, assaults. It’s a dangerous world out there.” It’s not a direct threat (Pay us or we crush your kneecaps)

They may exist but they don’t have a leg to stand on legally. Same as those waivers schools love to make parents sign before sending the kids on a field trip. Just because you signed doesn’t mean you can’t take the school system to court.

I have an unreasonable hatred of American cars. I grew up in the 70s and 80s, and to buy a US car brand back then was to be a solid chump. I know my bias is unreasonable today - US cars are far better made than they’ve ever been - but I just can’t shake how I feel. I cringe when I see these massive, 3-ton

Because a legal restriction is supposed to be based on evidence - in the case of the individual in question, not just a statistical likelihood based on belonging to a group. The same reason you can’t be kicked out of a store because you belong some ‘category’ of people that’s statistically more likely to engage in

I know why no one on the Right would stand for local “Firearms Boards”. Because their wives and mothers run for local board positions. Imagine trying to get your mom to say yes to your gun collection, so large that it requires it’s own temperature controlled storage facility. “But MOM!!!!” “I said NO young man! Now

Yes. As unpleasant as it is, even hate speech needs protecting. If we don’t allow it, then all that’s needed for unacceptable control is to change the definition of hate speech. It used to be ‘common knowledge’ that non-white ‘races’ were inferior. At that time to say otherwise might have been deemed hate speech.

The same way we regulate everything else where ‘balance’ is required. We engage the community at multiple levels. Building homes requires the oversight of government regulation (national and state building codes), local oversight (zoning boards) and expert inspection (building inspectors). The Federal and State

Now playing

I made a pinhole projector from a long, thin box and some tinfoil we had lying around the office. The box already had a convenient hole in the side for easy viewing. Took all of 5 minutes to put together. It was cloudy here (Connecticut) but there was still enough detail to view the image pretty clearly. I spent

Please add, “, Again” to the above headline. For accuracy.

I hope he ‘cranks the outrage’ waaaaay past 11. I want them to all be foaming-at-the-mouth, bat-shit-crazy right in front of everyone. I want their hatred to force their true selves in to the light of day. I pray they don’t actually hurt anyone else, but the more we allow them to show who they actually are, the

I feel a tiny bit of what your comic’s hero feels when surrounded by my happily conservative, Fox News-addicted, extended family. My wife and I, and the kids are firmly liberal, and the kids are Jewish. And every time we’re all together I’m just waiting for the explosion. Someone’s going to say something

I couldn’t agree more with your headline. Thank you. And there is nothing but denial and obfuscation on the right about this distinction. Bannon is that crowd’s poster child. Bannon says he’s not a white supremacist. He’s not an anti-semite. He’s not a neo-Nazi, and on and on and on. Well he personally oversaw the

Politicon is an event searching for a reason to be. The notion that politics should be a spectator sport is inherently flawed. Politics and government, done correctly, is mind-numbingly dull. Ask anyone in Venezuela what it’s like when your government starts doing lots of really ‘exciting’ things.

And thus the need to consider the source and their record of accuracy.

Yes. You’re all entirely correct. If we continue to take everything we see online at face value then it’s all worthless. Like all statements and facts, they must be taken in the correct context. We need to consider the source, the point of view of the person or organization gathering and presenting them, and the

Nailed it, Lilly ...

I can’t help but feel that the comments below this article are all incomplete. They’re over-simplifications. Yes we need to have secure borders, but we need to have judgement and compassion and review and oversight in how that’s enforced. Not everyone who is here illegally is a danger, but some clearly are. Yes,

I salute you and your use of such giffy goodness.

Don’t worry. She probably had her hands boiled moments later, just off-camera.

I almost pulled the trigger on getting this. Then I remembered, we have an older dog. And older dog who occasionally has accidents. I’m pretty sure I do not want to wake up to: dog poop + robot vac = o. m. g.

I almost pulled the trigger on getting this. Then I remembered, we have an older dog. And older dog who