Todd Bee

I’m with you in my attitude about what comes of my body once I’m no longer “home” (they can part me out like an old Chevy for all I care), but there are many people who have strong feelings on the matter. It’s no different than specifying what you want done with all your stuff in a will. Some don’t care and give a

Always the perfect opportunity to ask, “So are you lying, or simply incompetent?”

Sweet Jesus-tapdancing-Christ, YES!!! Thank you for so completely brightening my day. I will never be able to see or hear Jeff Sessions again, and not picture him being played by Mr Jordan. He’s even got the right accent. Bless your evil little heart.

So much thought and analysis when the simplest solution is to just work something out with the people in front of and behind you.

At the risk of feeding a troll ...

My mom is fond of pointing out that men gave their own mothers, wives, daughters, etc. the right to vote something like 40 years after it was given to freed male slaves. And blacks were considered by most to be literally sub-human.

So let’s see. According to the “Stay” crowd it wasn’t about race, it was about economics. Hmm ... Oh, that’s right the “Economics” of enslaving whole groups of people and profiting off their productive labor. Clearly not a personal, civil rights issue. Nice bit of logic there.

A new civil war? My mom, a woman who lives and breaths American history, says, “If the South rose again, it would be put down again.” She was talking about the nitwit “The South Shall Rise Again” bumper stickers and so forth, but I think it applies here just fine.

And how is it that once they determined the autistic man was holding a toy, the lead officer didn’t simply holster his weapon and walk over to talk to them. He could even have sat a few yards away and just talked to him, calmly. On what planet would that be a bad idea? Maybe no one actually needed to be shot that day.

I can’t even imagine how this happens. In my entire existence I have never thought to myself, “Hmm ... What is that woman over there looking for in life?? Oh! I’ve got it! She needs an un-asked-for picture of my privates. This will make her so happy!!” I mean did I miss some sort of class in college or highschool

My ancestors didn’t come here legally. A great, great, great grandfather and his wife snuck in from Canada in the late 1800s, along with a passel of his cousins. And another one snuck in from Scotland. But somehow no walks up to me - white, middle aged man - and shouts, “Go back where you came from!” I don’t get

I love Auntie Mame’s takedowns of bigots of all stripes. And through it all, every inch of a class act. I wish we could let that character loose on the world today. If she led, I think I’d follow her into the gates of Hell itself.

Faxing that to the White House would be considered a direct cyber attack by this administration. They might finally declare war on The American People. They’ve already declared war on The Environment, The Press, The Government, Any/All Regulation, Nato, NAFTA, The EU, Women, Reason, Objective Reality, Facts, Allies,

Yes. Keep it up. And run for office as soon as possible please!

“Jesus tap dancing Christ” Love it. That’s even better than, “Sweet fancy Moses!”

SCROTUS - YES! And my new burner account name is born :)

I am beyond certain that I do not want to know anything that is in that man’s heart. If I were somehow capable of seeing into that pit of desolation I would gouge out my eyes to prevent it.

Yes. I have a strip of them. Had to cut it down to around 12'. Works very nicely. It’s in our ‘rumpus’ room so the color changing is a perfect fit when the kids have someone over. Some people have complained that they don’t stick to the underside of things all that well. I haven’t had that problem, but mine is

Yes. I have a strip of them. Had to cut it down to around 12'. Works very nicely. It’s in our ‘rumpus’ room so

Well, the strip is waterproof. It’s encased in a clear, flexible plastic. But there is an electrical connection at the end where it connects to power. I would not count on that being able to take any serious amount of moisture. I have a strip of these in my basement. It’s pretty neat, and $15 is an awesome price.

Well, the strip is waterproof. It’s encased in a clear, flexible plastic. But there is an electrical connection at

Then the party needs to be reformed. Part of the issue lately is that the Tea Partiers intentionally left the moderates no place to stand. Reagan is the one who moved the party closer to the middle. He was widely disliked by the established conservative arm of the party in the beginning. They saw him as too moderate.