Todd Bee

Largely temp workforces have been the norm in most of Europe for decades. The difference is, in Europe temp workers have had a great deal of legal protection - because their legislatures saw the need from the start of the trend. But here in the US, it’s the wild west. You can do nearly anything you want to a temp

Good point. One should not need to spare the feelings of the person who has his boot on your neck.

The shift of the Republicans further and further to the right - until they’ve actually begun to hold hands (under the table) with the likes of Richard Spencer - has been intentional. It goes all the way back to The Southern Strategy and now lives in the form of the Tea Party. It has not been a matter of the left

The Republican’s hold a political ideology that, if spun the right way, allows you to feel good about the fact that there is inherent unfairness. “I’m not being overtly hostile to anyone, so everything must be fine. The unequal distribution of reward and advantage must simply be random chance so why should we, and

Nicely said.

We are not talking about a thing, a house, or car. We might want to have a bit more consideration for an actual human being. While laws may be explicitly written they were never intended to be a simple, almost clinical, test. If they were the reason for having a court - overseen by very human judges would be

“Honest America, I thought you’d never find out!” — Jeff Session

In case no one’s explained yet, it’s a Dora the Explorer reference.

So I guess the new definition of “Presidential” is, “Acting like a minimally functional adult, for round about an hour or so.” Quite some achievement there. Do you all remember the fire in HRC’s words after her first debate with this nitwit? You could feel how she’d come alive. Someone remind me again why she was all

You may have missed a bit of the nuance in the instructions ...



Simple. Screenshot the doc. Whip up a little gmail account. Upload to Google Docs. Share and send a link to your media contact. Do it all in a public library, hotel web kiosk. No web history. No doc to recover. No email. No log on any of your devices. Easier than a cup of tea.

They checked their phones? Such amazing investigative powers! I’m sure this will put an end to the leaks right quick. And will build that all-important sense of trust they’re going to need in the years and months ahead. Good job everybody!

This method also works when breakfast cereal, or crackers get stale. A few minutes in a warm oven and you’re good to go.

God bless their vicious, democracy-seeking hearts! And yours right along with the rest of them.

Since they so commonly throw the epithet of “go back to where you came from” at all others, how’s about THEY go back to where they came from? They talk about the threat of being destroyed as a race, when their ancestors actually, consciously did so, and did so repeatedly.

Obviously the Neo-Nazis/Alt-Right has found the perfect way to express message as medium.


That industry will only matter if the they’re represented by the Koch brothers.