Todd Bee

Maybe the Democrat’s next campaign slogan should simply be, “Told You So ...”

Where’s Session’s - and the Repubs - passion for States Rights on this issue?

Good point. Moderation, in all things. Any true ideology fails at some point when applied to the real world.

I remember what I was like in my early twenties. I was not a great person. I was selfish, ignorant and opinionated. The trifecta of insufferable foolishness. When I look back on the way I thought, and the way I saw the world, I’m amazed I didn’t just up and die of terminal stupid.

It helps that the press is overtly under attack. There isn’t a (self-respecting) reporter working today who isn’t just tickled pink to be part of the ‘resistance’.

Amen sister! :D

Just wanted to come here and say ...

Someone make a Superhero Web Comic based on this young lady and her amazing Cyborg Glitter Arm already! Just be sure to get her permission.

So the hardliners in Israel got exactly what they wanted, with no more effort than a plane ticket and a press conference. And the future of Middle East peace got what? That’s right, exactly nothing. Well done. Just revolting.

Every time one must make a decision, one should pause and ask, “Would David Duke be bothered by this action or word?” If the answer is hearty, “Yes” one should proceed, post haste.

Hey! That must be why he always says he loves Mexicans. It’s because of Dora the Explorer. There’s a map in every single episode!

Not sure this is accurate, at least in tone -

I’d guess he’s actually on their payroll. It would fit with the current administration’s logic ensuring we only hire those who posses the exact opposite of a position’s requirements.

Take heart kattahn. As hard as it may be to believe, I see reason for hope. The press is finally being pushed, by the situation itself, to do its job - finding and reporting facts to the world at large. The Democrats, and the not hard right constituents are actually starting to stand up and act like citizens. The

I believe the act of them discussing the sanctions is all by itself a crime. And now Flynn officially lied about it. So now we have a crime, and a cover up. Not even one month in. Yes, a perfectly smooth, uneventful transition.

Now playing

In honour of your glorious handle, S1nEater17 ...

Sweet fancy Moses!

The bitch is back!!

What about the idea of going to the White House (it’s just as much Mr. Bennett’s house as anyone else’s). But then refusing to shake hands and/or turning one’s back on the official in question? I’d love to see Trump loose it, on camera, at the snub. How many shades of red/orange would he turn?

Unless you’re trying to be ironic, that is an amazing evasion of the consequence of those facts. The equivalent of saying, “Oh no. I didn’t set the bomb off. I merely found all the parts, assembled them in a very specific manner, and gave the package to a fellow enthusiast. I don’t want to hurt anyone, I’m just