Todd Bee

I’d like to ask this community for a favor. From now on when Trump signs another actively hostile executive order, insults another loyal ally, or ‘hugs the thugs’ of the Caucasus just a bit closer, can we just show a picture of Steve Bannon? We’re supposed to speak truth to power. What could be more true than that?

Pointing out objective reality hasn’t made a dent so far.

Reagan (conspired with the Iranians to extend hostage crisis to embarrass Ford.

This is actually kind of reassuring. Trump has now tied his hopes and dreams of proving MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD to this nut job. A high school newspaper reporter could take this clown apart. A real investigative reporting team would leave him in a puddle of his own tears inside of ten minutes.

I like the image of “shooting fish in a barrel”. But maybe this is more like “blasting a double barrel shotgun into a goldfish bowl”. I’m just so glad Trump has tied his hopes and dreams of proving MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD to this nut job. A high school newspaper reporter could take this clown apart.

I doubt Trump and Bannon will be swayed by Albright telling us she’s a refugee. They would probably use it as proof of just how good an idea the ban will be.

Nice comment. Isn’t that always the MO of the abuser? Well, you made me do it! This is all your fault, because you just don’t listen.

And booze! Whole oceans of booze. Just jump in and drink till I feel like a tooth flooded with Novocaine, all the way down to my soul.

Nice theory but I doubt it. This constant battle to aggrandize himself, in defiance of the reality that refuses to yield to his desire, has been the actual substance of his life.

Voter fraud? Steve Bannon? I remember this story about him from a while back. The end of the first paragraph says he claims to live in an abandoned house. Wonder if he’s on the voter roles in 2 places. 

Nope. I lived through the cold war, even served on a nuclear missile submarine for a bit. It was nothing at all like this. Not even close. This is an intentional dismantling of our government. Back then the left and right might move some policy points around the board from time to time, but mostly everything was

He makes you think of death? Well, then he’s clearly gotten his message across. It’s all about communication, right?

Yes, but not at the expense of pushing back against Putin.

China is far over the horizon. It’s very hard to project real military deterrence over that kind of distance. Russia is literally in NATO’s back yard. We are already deployed there in force and stepping that up is as simple as moving planes, armor, trains and naval vessels fairly short distances. Remember, the entire

Wow! I think I am truly impressed with Putin’s ability to troll, well the entire world in general, and Trump in particular. Think about it. A new commemorative coin - Franklin Mint level of class fits Trump like a glove. Guess they held back a bit by not giving it gold accents. What a master stroke. Score! And it


That makes absolute, perfect sense. Even to me, one of the ‘whitest’ people you could ever meet. (I’m so white I’ve actually gone all the way to pink!) I am positively proud to have had the Obamas in the Whitehouse. And of course no one should think that’s the end to racism here, but at least we all got to see a

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