Honestly, among his base, I thought the following ...
Honestly, among his base, I thought the following ...
Yeah. How awkward is it to depend on those two republican stalwarts. Or maybe they are indeed conservatives first and republicans second.
Trump seems to be cool with it. Apparently he thought Russia’s actions against terrorists - read, Aleppo - were just dandy. Those Russians were determined to get the terrorists, no matter how many civilians they had to shoot through.
I like the cartoon. I always wondered if Trump always, “Tells it like it is.” Why must so many of his supporters come to his defence with, “I know what he said, but that’s not what he meant.” I believe that’s the actual definition of delusion, holding that two completely contradictory facts are true.
I don’t remember who said it, but I vaguely recall a quote along the lines of, “Forgive me if I don’t care to spare the feelings of the man who has his boot on my neck.”
Has anyone informed Rob that MLK was about nonviolent RESISTANCE? You can not build a bridge across a divide when the only thing waiting for you on the other side is a stone wall.
I like it. It takes a page from History. U.S. Grant’s plan to win the Civil War was to just constantly attack. Never stop attacking. Keep up the pressure. Never let the opposition rest. It will be a grind but every dent we make will matter.
Good. If that’s his threat, I hope he follows through. It’s not as though his interactions with the press are a benefit to the world. And when he’s confronted by the press over any of his lies, false equivalencies, or generally outrageous statements he doesn’t come back with, “Yeah, ya’ got me! I was being a total…
Does the ‘NSF’ on the tail stand for Not So Fast? :)
If this is fake news we run a very real risk of making Trump look like a victim. We should hold our collective judgement until there is something more concrete. Notice that all the the news stories in essence read, “Someone said ...” rather than “We have proof Trump and associates did the following”. It’s one way to…
Being able to beat Trump in a debate is not a very high bar. Hillary did it in spades, but in the voting booth no one remembered. They painted her as a witch, the devil even. You don’t need mental armaments to win office, just enough repeated and re-tweeted lies. The only real requirement is that your lies allow…
It used to be the Ayn Rand crowd that would crow about facts being facts. You know facts like, if you just give poor people money, then you’ll always have poor people (psst - that’s actually an opinion). Now even that fringe of the right is buying this intellectual drivel. Oh how the times have changed.
No disrespect intended but how do I pronounce Latinxs? Latinz, Latin-exs. I’ve never seen it explained, especially in the possessive.
I want to give a bit of perspective to those who might not know how detailed a real background investigation is. I was in the Navy, in submarines, during the mid 80s and was going to be working in one of the three professions centered around nuclear missiles. I was in some respects, the lowest level person with any…
This is part of a larger plan on the right to move power away from the Federal government, legislature and courts to the States. We fought a war to establish the Fed as superior to the States in these areas. Looks like some are still a bit sore over that decision. It feels like a plan to succeed without actually…
“... will they be willing to cut off their noses to spite their faces?”
Were he to have a stroke, and his language center involved, he might be able to create sentences in the standard form: Subject > Verb > Direct Object. (Computers are really fast today. Computer security is still an issue.) Not that I actually wish a stroke on anyone.
You figured it out! That’s his secret plan for getting rid of the debt in the face of more spending and less revenue. Another world war. It worked once before. He wants to go back to the 1950s, our economic heyday right after WWII, and this is how he’ll get us there. Brilliant!
I think a lot of these 11th hour actions by Obama are meant to explicitly tie Trump and his cadre to their policies. Fine, you want to drill/mine/etc in sacred or sensitive natural areas? Well then you’ll need to do it in broad daylight. Now you can’t avoid owning it. Sign that bill or executive order and we’ll see…
Just don’t put the cat litter on your walkways. It’s clay and will form a paste once it’s saturated with water. You’ll have a hell of a time getting rid of it. You’ll track grey muck into your house all winter. And it’s somehow, slippery and sticky at the same time when it gets wet.