Will the new head of the EPA have the authority to simply say, “We won’t enforce those standards”?
Will the new head of the EPA have the authority to simply say, “We won’t enforce those standards”?
And make your best guess which country the racist character in your comment will say should not be for black people. Hint: It’s America.
Yeah. I’ve always said, crazy isn’t the problem. If someone’s crazy all on his/her own, then Godspeed to ‘em. Trouble is the craziest always want to take someone else along for the ride.
Well, we don’t really need to wonder about whether or not he’ll be horrible for the country, now do we.
He’s playing a pretty old game. Make the rest of the world think you might just be enough of a nutjob to actually go to war, even nuclear. So far his ‘diplomatic’ statements have all centered on destabilization. Changing the assumptions that underlie all of our relationships - adversarial and even friendly. This in a…
Meh, so they acted like politicians. If they refuse to work with their own party they’ll be left on the sidelines instantly. I’m glad there are still some moderates on the right. The push to drive the Republicans further and further to the right would only come faster if they weren’t willing to get down in the muddy…
So far it looks like it’s Lindsay Graham and John McCain. They do not seem to give much of a fuck for Trump and his followers. Holly crap, when you need to rely on those two - to save any semblance of democracy - you know things are seriously bad.
Perfection. Thank you.
Most of them are quite driven. Whether that’s completely rational or not is up for debate. I have an uncle who worked as a high end electrical engineer for GE - commercial power plants, nuclear submarine power plants, that kind of thing. Eventually he went out on his own as a consultant. And one day he complained to…
Ha! That’s how my bank works! When I run out of money in my account they tell me, “You now owe us more money.” And someone with many thousands in an account is told, “Here’s some more money. You seem to know what you’re doing with it so we’re going to take it from that poor person, and give it to you. And later, we’re…
It may have been bad but it was a very dramatic story, with a love interest no less. You’ll notice most people read that book in their teens. Very few people over 25 will have much good to say about it.
I went through the same phase. Loved the book at first. Then started to spot all the internal errors of logic and circular reasoning needed to keep its ideas afloat. Even my stepfather, a rabid conservative and fan of the book, said the people who want to make that environment of absolute self reliance real are…
I love the image! Your average raised ranch, but with a hastily built moat and wall of sharpened stakes set all around it. “Stay inside kids! That bastard’s not getting in here while we still breath!!”
Isn’t this the situation that the Republicans walked into in 2000? The economy booming along. They deregulated the hell out of everything, kept money cheap until it all went off the cliff. And promptly left the mess to be cleaned up by the Dems once again when the lie just got too big to hide. Guess the Democrats…
Let’s see if we can make this have more impact. What if we encourage all of the survivors to simply turn their backs on him if he tries to speak to them or shake hands. What say we message them via FB with that gentle request?
To be fair neither “Presidential” nor “Intelligence” seem like good fits for him.
It’s almost as if the actual, concrete plan is to bring in every enemy of the Federal government and exactly reverse course from a democratic republic. Exactly like they said they were going to do all along.
And I immediately thought of this:
Of course it’s prejudicial to use actual knowledge and experience! Why, if our government and society operated that way we’d never be able to just lie our asses off like we’ve been doing this whole time. It would be anarchy.
Since we’re so gleefully post-fact, maybe we can post-fact Trump’s presidency out of existence.