Todd Bee

There are plenty of parallels. Do you think there were no ‘soundly logical’ reasons for the persecution of the Jews in Europe in the 1930s? How many ‘think pieces’ do you figure were published back in Germany about the correctness of what was being done? Remember, public opinion writing is more about telling the

There has never been any lack of persecution of women in any society. For the State to apply one standard to those of one faith, and apply different standards to all others is wrong on its face. About like when the US gave blacks the legal right to vote, but in practice looked the other way when southern states

I do not know the Qu’ran, or the Muslim religion so I can’t speak to that. I do know that this kind of ban is what religious persecution looks like. On a personal level one can take any position about the right or wrong of a religious practice. It’s a completely different matter when the State outlaws a religious

Nice way to refute the whole, “The West hates Muslims” narrative. Good job everybody! Good job.

There is one down side. It will allow Trump to claim victory. Again. And again. And again.

All of the debate over the electoral college, particularly in Takei’s thread, misses the point. The reason the states need to matter more than individual votes is because the founders also intended to maintain a balance between the power of the Federal government and the state governments. They intended to keep that

Ben Carson ... who thinks the pyramids were Biblical granaries” - Not being overtly hollow would be a pretty big oversight in the design spec of a granary. It makes me wonder if he’s clear on the basic elements of three dimensional space like, two objects can not occupy the same space at the same time. Yeah, let’s

I don’t think the economy will be wrecked in time for the midterms. The last 8 years of economic policy and practice have set us up to finally see the fruits of all the horribleness we endured. And worse, the public will begin to associate the new administration with that success. It will look like deregulation,

It’s hard to strike the right balance between long, solid experience and, time to put the old horse out to pasture.

The reactions of Trump’s supports has yet to show much of a connection to objective reality, an understanding of history or the ability to look further into the future than what’s for lunch. I doubt there will be much if any remorse on that front. There will be some of course, and they’ll be publicized, because that

“Corporate” welfare is an even more fun button to push. All those hardcore red states in the middle of the US are ever so eager to throw tax breaks, infrastructure support, legislative support, and simple cash at any company promising “jobs” many of which are barely above the poverty line for income. And now, with

That would actually be a blessing. Then the Trumpsters would figure out they do actually need the press.

Hello, all you galloping Internet sex weasels ...” and my new burner account handle is born!

Stay strong my little cabbage (an old French term of endearment). There are still enough of us who actually care what happens. We will make a difference. Every general who’s ever fought a battle knows the only way one side wins, is when the other side actually gives up. Hang in there. This country has survived far

Bless Yurrrrr vicious heart!

Looks like 2016 is the year of the rise of the denier. Trump - conflict of interest, Kellyanne Conway - sexual assault claims against Trump, and now Scientology.

Yeah. And they’re still trying to keep that comforting veneer of objectivity. We are long past any need for that. I worked as a reporter when I was younger and you can be fair and even handed in a confrontational story, but the mere fact you’re asking some questions and not others opens you to a claim of bias. So let

Here’s how the press should handle moments like this in the future. Once a question such as this is asked - and summarily dismissed of course - every single person in the room should ask the same question, one after another, until the denier is driven from the room. Why let an opportunity like this just pass on by?

removing a double post ...

It’s so good to see the government help out. Where would the poor McDonalds turn if the feds weren’t willing to support them?