Todd Bee

Yes, we’re all familiar with the quote. I’d bet anyone preaching the evils of Socialism in line at the unemployment office would be really popular. “That is Socialism” reads like a scare tactic. Like, so long as we’re afraid of that idea, we’ll all be ok. Any action the government takes could be classed a form of

I’d bet that was part of the reason the electoral college is supposed to actually DECIDE the result of the election rather than being a rubber stamp. Most of the choices made by the framers included the idea of allowing a check on any power or decision. Otherwise there would be nothing to prevent the people electing a

But why are people who are voting for jobs and the economy voting for Trump?

Yeah, it’s really easy for ‘fishy’ details about any public process to lead us down a path to loopy conspiracy theories. We do not want to actually become the enemies we’re trying to fight.

Do I have your permission to print that slogan on t-shirts and sell them? Hell, I’d sell them at cost and consider it a public service. I think we will need several million of them in the coming months.

Americans have a long tradition of telling the experts to shove it. And the more earnest and sincere those experts, the stronger our backlash. About like your typical middle-schooler.

Love that guy. Obama’s a class act from start to finish. I’d let him house sit, watch my kids, play with my dog, etc. and never worry for a moment. With Trump I’d be surprised if he didn’t ‘somehow’ end up barbecuing my dog, pissing on my couch, and getting my kids arrested for something he did.

Always liked ‘ol Teddy. A complete and utter bad-ass no matter where you stand politically.

Well if there ain’t nothin’ wrong why are so many, so angry? - No need to answer that. We all know the answer pretty well already. When change comes to any society anger and frustration are as common as cat videos on the internet.

There’s long been a thought process that runs, if we all just stopped talking about race, racism and such it’ll just go away! If we continue to harp on it (talk about it), the matter will only ever get worse. Why can’t we just move past this?

I was playing last night and the explosions are really awesome eye candy now, even for relatively small ships and structures.

Alright! She resigned. That’s at least one in the win column. Thank you public scorn. Hey, I bet that’s what a free press is supposed to do, why it’s so important. Well done First Amendment!

Yeah. I get it. This is why the ‘religious exception’ to providing service for LGBTQ folks scare the hell out of me. It allows the same old-timey bigotry to be dressed up in the respectability of faith. And the gov’ment ain’t supposed to infringe that one little bit. It’s actually a harder knot to untangle - from

Then you have absolutely nothing to lose and quite possibly something to gain. When you fight for something you are at risk of losing, but not fighting all? Well you don’t need some ‘genius’ from the internet to tell you how that works out.

Well, we have just set America’s time-line back a good 40 or 50 years.

Ah. And so the Trump camp has already chosen their 2020 candidate. Secretary of State is the traditional path to the presidency. No wonder he was so rabid during this campaign. It had nothing to do with a conversion to true conservatism and such. It was just a quest for power. How common. How disappointing.

I wish you were wrong.

Godspeed Bernie.

Overturning Griswold? That one seems unlikely. What makes you think they’re going to try or might have some success?

He earned every bloody second of his next four years of misery. Best of all is no one can save his ass. He will suffer humiliation from his own party, from the opposition, the press, and finally the very public who gave him what he asked for. I have not one ounce of pity for him or anyone who failed to stop him. You