Todd Bee

I’m not sure the voters were fooled. Well, some were of course. But I think that electorate was just as opportunist as the republicans. Probably part of the reason no one seemed to care about the endless displays of just how vile he is as a human being. Did not matter. They knew what they wanted and saw him as

Ug! President Pence?!?! Wow. It would be like giving total control to the ghost of William Jennings Bryant. Oh and Nukes to boot!

Yes. And specifically, they’re in control of Trump. They own his ass. Mitch Mcconnell already publicly said Trump’s term limits proposal is a non-starter. Just dismissed it out of hand, like a boss. Guess who’s in charge.

You know, you’re right. He looked like he was sitting on a box of tacks. Like if we all looked the other way for a moment, he’d just up and run for it.

Make no mistake about it, the Republicans already own him. He couldn’t keep himself together for a 90 minute softball debate - where he knew every single issue for months in advance. Even the base knows the deal. He was just their loud, spittle-flecked vehicle for gaining control. Watch for a visible change in his

Logic and applied political ideology. That might be the only kind of ‘mixed’ marriage we could actually declare a crime against nature.

Oh My God! President Obama actually shook his hand?!?!? Wow! Clearly he is a stronger man than I am. Wonder if Obama had to leave the room for a moment so he could vomit in genteel privacy.

Awesome! Always felt like some details must be missing in that book.

Push them hard enough and you’ll always get to some form of, “Well, It’s just not right!” Like a petulant child.

I love concrete. Store as a powder, mix into a liquid, pour into almost any shape. Then wait a while and presto, instant stone!

That’s interesting. I didn’t know that the Obergefell decision used Loving as a precedent. But I did have a ‘gut’ feeling the matter exactly matched the racist beliefs that made mixed-race marriage illegal in the past. It would not surprise me at all if there was plenty of overlap in their supporters with the modern,

It would be better if sympathetic Americans were to sponsor LGBTQ immigrants. Let’s make America so gay even the right will need to pander to get their votes. That would be a sight to behold.

The thing I like best about responding to them like this is, someone will read this. And that someone will know that what I’ve said is correct. And that little cognitive dissonance will just never quite go away. Always there. Nagging. Love going for the long, slow death of someone’s hatred.

But I thought it was America first, not King James ...

Of course it will do no good but I just used NOM’s website to send them the following ...

Ryan precisely deserves what he’s getting. His only political skill has been ‘christmas wrapping’ political philosophy around the turd of racism and homophobia spewed by the base.

Godspeed Sophie.

I may be opening the gates of Hell with this post, but what’s to lose really? I wonder if the left’s constant vilification of the entire right played a part in this defeat. While there are certainly plenty of truly awful promoters of truly awful ideologies on the far right, not everyone who doesn’t like the

I like the perspective you gave your comment. Positively inspiring. Thank you. Let’s have a million more just like you.

So hard to keep them all out. They’re ef-ing everywhere!!