Todd Bee

Because we aren’t fucking idiots.

I like that you mentioned free speech in your post. Free speech is exactly what’s allowed us to know who this man is. While I am no fan of Trump he has every right to say what he thinks. And journalists have every right to report on it. And all of us have every right to respond how we wish. Thank God the founders

Don’t care if it’s ‘too young’ :

Do my thought align with Ted Nugent’s in any way at all?

Funny ... I thought Trump was known and loved for his plain speaking. Why does it take so much ‘understanding’?

Hell, I quit doing useful stuff so I’d have time to watch TV.

I wish the current thinking about high-end military gear would change. The idea that you can make the ‘one-size-fits-all’ of anything is painfully wrong-headed. You decide what the job or purpose of any tool is. Then you design the tool for that job. And maybe refine as you learn. If you also have some other job

That thing looks huge! Is it just me or is that a very big plane?

Nope. He didn’t break the law. He did violate the department’s policies and practices on releasing information to the public but that’s all.

No offense, but you might be off by a century or two.

You’re right. My mistake. I just read that first sentence and ran with it. Totally my bad. Guess I was a bit worked up.

Wetlo, sorry for the first version of this post. I misread what you wrote.

I might be feeding a troll but here goes. In most situations intent is not that hard to understand. It’s the foundation skill in any social exchange. In fact the ability to understand someone’s intent is what makes harassment possible. If your victim just doesn’t get what you’re doing it won’t work. We even diagnose

Elizabeth Warren - “Momma’s little baby is here to kick ass and eat Tic Tacs. And I’m all out of Tic Tacs ...”

You should try sweet chili sauce on a good, all-beef hot dog. You’ll never be the same again.

>> so much WRONG there, I don’t even know where to begin.

I was raised in a fairly right-wing, christian home. I was surrounded mostly by white people my whole life. Went to a typical high school full of middle class kids. And I was never indoctrinated as a feminist, socialist, or any of what the right sees as ‘the evils of the left.’ either. Yet somehow I managed to not

And just think, Hillary had to SHAKE THAT MAN’S HAND! And smile. I don’t know how she resisted the urge to immediately plunge it into a pot of boiling water up to her elbow! She should get the presidency just for being tough enough to do that. She is stronger than I am. I would want any part of me that came in contact

I think you’re looking for the the phrase, “Crazy as a shit-house rat.” Fits this soggy human newt like a hand in a glove (all apologies to newts). Could also stick with the classics like ‘delusional’, ‘fanciful’, ‘divorced from reality’, ‘unhinged’. Or go with ‘Shit you totally just made up’ if you’re not into the

Wait. I thought they invented this device quite some time ago. Don’t they call these things helicopters?