Todd Bee

I bet there’s some pro-LGBTQ group in the area that could use new digs. Once Mr. Doyle no longer needs it of course.

See, no need for special protections for disadvantaged groups. Everything’s fine people. Nothing to see here, please just move along.

Yeah, there’s always been a strain of ‘scientific thought/philosophy’ that allows us to ‘overlook’ the fact we’re talking about actual human beings. That fit the Nazi outlook perfectly. It was called “The Final Solution” like some sort of civics program. It was not called, “The Mindless, Heartless Extermination Of The

She’s just using a cheap logical leap of faith - a conflation - to tie Planned Parenthood to Hitler and the Nazis. I’m sure she never meant to politicize reproduction. Not impressed.

What about depraved indifference? Unlawful restraint?

Thank God for that woman. Yes! A thousand times, Yes!

Godspeed Ruby.

People who are in abusive relationships always ‘understand’ why the abuser ‘did it’, whatever the ‘it’ was. Without the victim being willing to ‘understand’ the relationship would end.

Even the denouncements of Trump from the Right have come with so much baggage. Notice how often they talk about the need to protect, or cherish, or rescue, or defend, or champion, or whatever women? It would be nice to hear just one of them say, ‘how about we simply treat women like their bodies belong to absolutely

“... Ana Marie Cox Explains Why the Trump Sexual Assault Allegations are Important”

Does not matter. They are being utterly political. The math is simple. If you are a moderate Republican and stand on principle the base tags you as disloyal. No one from the right will touch you. And the left of course will actually hold you accountable for all the awful things you’ve said and done in the past so

All the better to know who the worst of them are. It’s good these flip-flops are happening so publicly. Maybe this election is the Great American Sorting Hat of 2016.

She was a used, silver, 2004 Passat Wagon. I say “she” because the children named her. They and my wife called her Bunny. I called her my fourth dependant. Wife liked, “The Ride”. I don’t think she and I had the same idea of “The Ride” Bunny was giving us. The car was very pretty and was a dream when all was right

I’m thinking not really the “it” one should try to make.

Go Donald! Keep digging that hole!! Hope it goes so deep the sides just fall in on him and we’ll be all good.

... I think the cops are trying to say ...

I heard the police chief interviewed on NPR. His rationale for posting the photos was, this is the situation and we have no resources to deal with it. The police can arrest them and send them through the criminal justice pipeline. They come out the other end, usually worse off than before. He wanted to point out how

Sanity check: “Do my thoughts align with Ted Nugent in any way?”

Yes! I can finally put my dual Jazzercise/Mid-East Studies degree to use!

Thank you Stassa. I haven’t ready anything of yours before, but I certainly will. I am impressed. Please keep up the good work.