Todd Bee

Well said. Those are solid points. Let’s hope we get to a day when anyone can express genuine anger without the need to self-edit for the pleasure of the critics.

... Clinton’s major problem right now is with white working class men. I cannot see how Barbara Boxer will win them over in an Oscar dress.

I’d love to see them play off their own slogan with, First we’ll make history. Then we’ll make our future!

I saw a good portion of the event last night (Tuesday) and, overall, it was pretty good. But it could have been better. Something was missing. Passion. I want someone to get up on that stage and be outraged! Flat out pissed off! Where the hell is their fire?! Ok, you’ve got all the policy issues covered and actually

Whoever’s getting stuck with the tax bill, as in, you’re being taxed on personal property, is the owner. The State has tacitly acknowledged ownership. You pay the tax = you own it. If you don’t own it, then the State can pass that bill right along to John Deere.

Exactly how anti-LGBTQ is that Republican platform??

Or you could just put a lid on the frying pan. Traps the heat. Like an oven.

Why is this such an “us or them” issue? Can’t Blue Lives Matter supporters live with Black Lives Matter supporters? That kind of thinking IS divisive, not the X Lives Matter movements. There’s no reason to make people choose like this. I thought the whole point was peaceful coexistence. Even if we disagree, we can’t

Don’t worry too much about this one folks. It’s the same brand of pearl-clutching that drove the movement to ban ‘satanic messages’ from popular music.

On a visit to Florida I stopped at a 4 way intersection. Those four corners displayed: 1) 7-Eleven. 2) Drive-thru liquor store. 3) A church. 4) gun store advertising “machine-gun rentals.”

What is it with the far right and anything relating to sex? Why are they so afraid of it? How much control does it need?

Maybe we could “cheer them up” by not killing them?

The extra long weekend makes for a wonderful little break from the daily grind as well. Every now and then, I take off a Friday and a Monday. Gives me four-day work week, followed by four days off, and then another short, four-day week. Awesome.

The real issue here is removing the barriers in these industries that prevent diverse casting. That’s where change is needed. It’s not a question of whether some particular actor is or is not acceptable in a particular role.

Sweet, a Contax! Haven’t seen one in years. Makes me think of the gear I used to have back in the day(s of film photography). I actually had a used Bronica D. And sold it :( What was I thinking. It was a work of art in its own right, but genius me? I wanted to get away from the expense of medium format.

Let’s make sure the Trump camp doesn’t get hold of this info. If applied, He might sound like his mouth is connected to his brain.

Is that an old Pentax 645 on the window sill? Sure looks like it.

If you think enshrining one of the worst presidents in U.S. history responsible for orchestrating one of the most heinous acts of genocide on American soil is a really great representation of our national values...well, then, I’m sure we wouldn’t have a lot to say to each other at a dinner party.

Bravo Senator King! You’re seeing this issue so deeply! Right past the surface of color politics. Past the lie of “celebrating a person who was instrumental in America not legally treating classes of human beings like cattle.” Past all that political correctness. Thank you so much for your service.

Indifference, Industrial Strength.

Indifference, Industrial Strength.