“the Second Amendment didn’t kill anyone.” - Rick Scott.
“the Second Amendment didn’t kill anyone.” - Rick Scott.
It was a deal like this that actually worked in my favor recently. We had a 10 year old VW wagon. We owed just short of $6,ooo on it when it was in a crash. With no savings and maxed out on credit we had no real way to replace the car. We didn’t want to continue to pay on a 10 year old car. And one that had now been…
Yes. Civil Rights leaders who were - willingly - lacking in firepower, but somehow still managed to change the world. Being armed, and thus able to kill, has its place - using force to save life. But that ‘place’ is exceedingly rare in our daily existence. Carrying a gun around to ensure you’re safe makes as much…
Love it! Kick his ass!
The Big Short is one of the three best movies about credit default swaps and synthetic CDOs that I’ve ever seen
The Big Short is one of the three best movies about credit default swaps and synthetic CDOs that I’ve ever seen
I’d like to think so but this is the same person and electorate that can hold two completely opposite facts as true - A. ‘Trump’s statements are textbook racist and unacceptable’ B. ‘he has my endorsement’ - and still cary on as though that’s not ‘textbook’ insane.
The Devil is always your best buddy. Until he eats your soul like it’s a special, pastry-chef version of a Ring Ding. And he’ll have the added advantage of looking like, ‘the candidate we really wanted to put up in 2016' once Trump flames out.
I want to see someone - in authority - rail against Trump’s endless parade of ignorance and hatred. Why isn’t the president furious? And visibly so! This was a missed opportunity. Good that he went after him but it’s time for the gloves to come off.
The anti-gun regulation side of this argument continues to say that mass shootings simply would not happen, or at least would have lower body counts, if only there were more ‘good guys with guns’. You know, to stop the ‘bad guys with guns’. The two facts of: One. Over 12.8 million concealed carry permits have been…
I suspect MS wants to have some degree of confusion in it’s plans/pricing. It helps the corporate customer say, “I’m really not sure ... so just give me everything.” All the better to keep from getting fired for choosing poorly.
I would be really nervous about walking into a police station with a rifle in my hand.
She should date ... herself. So simple, it’s Boaty McBoatface brilliant.
I’ve never had a julip so I’m just working on imagination here, but the idea of the taste of bourbon + mint (you know, like toothpaste)? Just sounds wrong. Like toothpaste, and well, almost anything.
Thank you Mr. Weld. So glad you refused to equivocate on your stance when they asked if the comparison was a bit strong. We’ve managed to ‘elevate’ the evil of Hitler and Nazi Germany to the point where nothing else compares and so is always a lesser crime. That great evil came to exist through the actions - and…
Isn’t the ‘right to refuse admittance’ exactly equal to the ‘right to discipline and dismiss’?
Just noticed your headline needs a minor edit. ‘People’ is plural, ‘Their’ is plural, ‘Face’ is singular. Change Face to Faces and you’re all good.
This kind of thing has repeatedly happened to my daughter as well. She’s large chested and has been told to ‘tone it down’ (not sure exactly how she’s supposed to do that) more times than she can count. She is made how she’s made and should never feel there’s anything wrong with that. I tell her she can’t control what…
She should have invoked her 2nd amendment right to bear arms!! Where’s the far right when you actually need them!?!
There are some good points to this article. One, it gets the story that Louis CK may be abusive out there. I have no idea if that’s true but discussion is a step in the right direction. Two, Stewart’s statement about any knowledge of the matter is now on the record. Again, good. But something about the article still…
Right back to the idea that she belongs to him, in a very literal sense. He put all that time - you know like talking and sometimes helping with things, and don’t forget money, into her. If she leaves, she’s just so much bad investment.