Todd Bee

Today they would cut that, either manually, or via automation of the production system. I remember interview shows that included these ‘gestural moments’ and that’s exactly the feeling they evoked, that you were watching two people hold a conversation. Simply doesn’t exist today. Maybe we’re afraid someone will have

I look forward to the day when taking a pee doesn’t put anyone at risk of violence. Isn’t it a shame that we have to ‘aspire’ to such a lowly ideal? What the hell happened to us?

I don’t think they’d be checking IDs ...

I think the creepy is their point. Saying, ‘See how uncomfortable I’m making you? Well then there ought-a’ be a law!!’ A law so you won’t ever need to feel uncertain about who the people around you ‘really’ are. Because if you can’t know just by looking you might need to withhold judgement for all of 30 seconds.

The point of this ‘activism’ is just to make enough people uncomfortable. All you need to turn a bad idea into action is fear and/or confusion.

Here’s a good test of impartiality. If both the left and the right tell you you’re doing it wrong, we’re all good.

Is there someone without a stake in this? If this is a ‘Use Science and information’ or ‘Use an Imposed Moral Code’ question at least.

Is it just me or has the creepy in here just gone WAAAAAY up?

Excellent response. I don’t think anyone could have made a finer point.

Wow! That is a stunningly narrow interpretation of ‘force’. Interpretations like that used to allow the, “It couldn’t have been rape because she didn’t resist strongly enough to show any defensive wounds” defense on the table. Revolting.

I firmly believe this is EXACTLY why we do not trust our government, and the political parties who run it, any longer. When they wrote the Constitution they were trying to create a set of rules the GOVERNMENT had to live by. They’re not rules for the citizens, but for the institution and operation of governance.

This is especially true of kitchens in older homes. 100 or so years ago the kitchen was seen as a workspace. The female equivalent of the man’s workshop. They actually wanted the kitchen closed off. The idea of eating a family meal there would have seemed rather odd. But it needed to be ‘tied’ to many other parts of

I just wish I could understand this sort of mindset. I do not get it. Do Cruz and his ilk wake up at night crying that there are people rubbing their naughty bits against various ‘toys’? It’s clear they feel some sort of dread or fear over the matter, but exactly why?

And it seems likely that people renting bikes are less likely to go fast because they’re more likely to be looking at the sights. They aren’t trying to compete with the traffic, just gently coasting along.

My “safe withdrawal rate” is a negative number. How many years before financial independence?

Plaques! That’s when the shit get real!! Boom!

Meh. I don’t see the big deal really. If anyone’s interested in men who see themselves and their mates in this light, then go for it. No different than someone placing an ad seeking a ‘Dungeon MASTER!’. If you both, or all, get what you’re after then good for you.

Where the hell is the Federal government in all this? Didn’t they used to send in the National Guard to defend basic civil rights back in the day?

1. Remove glass top from table.

All he needs to do is to continue to believe most all the rape accusations are not really rapes and the statistics will continue to bear him out. A wonderfully closed loop of logic.