
Notable flaws: Absolutely no defense at all, apart from the two shots randomly blocked by Capela per game. A shitload of turnovers. Two people can create their own shot, and one of them is a slightly damp spot on the floor away from season-ending injury. Coached by Mike D’Antoni. Will not reach second round of

The only person I’ve seen skate by for longer with questionable skills, all while hovering around 500, is Jason Whitlock.

What you’re looking for is: “They’re the new Nickleback”.

I for one cant wait for Forza Horizon 3. Something you would probably never know is coming out as Kotaku has next to zero coverage on racing games.

I can’t agree with this more.

If you’d played the first Titanfall at length, this would have been a mostly negative review. While I can see it being entertaining for newcomers, it’s a few steps back from the original. Titan combat is very limited and comparatively dull, the maps aren’t designed for constant parkour, and aside from a lot of smaller

Or.. don’t do anything. Call the cops if you truly think they’re a threat. Because if you feel like you need a gun to feel safe in your neighborhood you’ve already failed to make any civic improvements, don’t come out guns blazing because of YOUR insecurities.
So you come out with a gun- say they are both armed and up

If someone pulled a gun on me I wouldn’t hesitate to run his ass over. Just sayin’.

If you point a gun at me and try to block my car, you better be good at jumping sideways. There isn’t time to think.

I would say first things first get rid of the damn gun, and secondly, what ever happened to asking whats going on before making loud demands based on your half-assed assumptions at 1:30am?

I can’t even imagine. It would be 100 % disqualifying. Total double standard.

EXACTLY. Some people have said they don’t see a problem with him identifying as Christian. The issue is that he expressly said that that is his first priority, before his political affiliation. And we have only to look at his policies to see how they fall in line with the evangelical position. And yes, if a Muslim

I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order,

You know the people who mainly bitch about this kind of thing? weebs, and they have nothing to offer society anyways so who gives a shit.

As someone who has this game I can tell you people that this “censorship” does not add or subtract from this game. To be honest, though it is fun, it is corny as hell so I’m glad they removed as much AWKWARD Japanese-culture shit as possible as I’m not in the mood to decipher some of those obscure Japanese elements

And those same people likely wouldn’t be buying a Scorpio for another three or four years by that logic...so what’s your point?

Three years is a short time to whiny, entitled people too.

Whiny, entitled people like to boo, what can you do?

They did the exact same thing with the 360, and that had a billion different revisions.

Isn’t that the same wih the PS Neo. and they are not forcing you to buy it. If you want some better visuals or use a vr set, upgrade. If you are content without that then dont. Its not like they will make games specifically for the scorpio. And as they showed, they are really pushing cross play so playing together is

Then you wouldn't have been playing Xbox for the last two years.