
How often do you update your graphics card?

Some people had hoped, after months of hype and the pedigree of director Duncan Jones (Moon, Source Code), that Warcr

Respect your opinion, but I’ll defer to the universal praise it received from vastly more worldly automotive editors around the world. Frankly, your posts ring a bit of sour grapes, or condescension.

Have to say, though, that you’re laughably tone deaf when it comes to what constitutes an exotic car. (Shurely not the

It’s OK, you were wrong. You just skimmed and missed the 90K miles in 3 years part. Take it like a man and back away. Also, it’s 170,000 miles mot 170.000


I feel like this moment ought to be a crucible for Westbrook and Durant. If the takeaway from this series is that two consistently transcendent players were insufficiently transcendent, then they might never win a title unless they hit just the right sequence of matchups (OK, you could say that’s technically true of

For 2 straight games, all the Thunder had to do was play the second half the same as the first half, and for 2 straight games, they simply failed to do that.

I love watching Westbrook and Durant play, and at times, they are simply unstoppable forces of nature. Sadly, at other times, they act like they either don’t want the ball or don’t know what to do when they have it.

Durant’s effort at the end there was the nothing short of an amazing audition for his next team.

I think that we all deserve an apology for that comment.

I’m on the buy both team. The family loves the Kinect. The PC doesn’t have an equivalent at this time though.

...we get it, guys. You have a massive hardon for Overwatch.

This is so disinginuous that the only way to describe it is this: you’re a liar.

Meanwhile they continue to advertise against craft beers (which are finally and rightfully taking away market share from this shit) while at the same time their parent company is buying them up in droves.

Magic: “Kobe has never cheated the game, he has never cheated the fans...”

And all I remarked on was the behavior of law enforcement personnel upon their viewing of radar detectors and how it might vary from locale to locale.

I love dismissing assholes.

Bringing Down Syndrome into this now? Wow you’re a complete imbecile. Stay off the internet, douchecanoe.

NewsFlash: yes they do. The only retard here is you.