
She’s trying to change weed’s image with her Beverly Hills Cannabis Club, which sells “designer” pot targeted to women that runs for $700 an ounce and comes wrapped in gold foil. To go with it, she’s created a range of $15,000 pavé diamond vaporizers (“why not make it a luxury fashion accessory?”), plus she’s got a

I am an avid jezebel reader and I have to say, I am totally disgusted that a website devoted to feminist issues would report on this EXTREME invasion of privacy in this way. Beyond that, to comment on and poke fun at a woman’s personal decisions regarding her appearance and personal well being is not only undeniably

Jezebel: Feminist until its not

Given the content of the rest of the article I read that as sarcasm. This woman is at least vaguely racist and generally seems like an idiot but ugh, this article, no thanks.

yeah, no one really deserves to have their lady bits routines blasted on the web and commented on. fuck this.

This is disgusting. She’s a middle-aged woman trying to look merely decent and do her best in a business that is incredibly hostile to woman who are not 25 and beautiful.

Jesus. I really wish I hadn’t clicked on it.

I don’t think anyone would appreciate having their pubic hair dye purchase history being posted online, regardless of the poster’s intent. No matter what it comes across as mean-spirited effort to humiliate. Writing stuff like “LOL her crotch” is just so gross.

This is really fucking wrong. How embarrassing for her, and for Jezebel for not having more class.

Publishing this is some mean girl bullshit. There’s plenty of room for legit critique of her business practices, but this is totally off the mark. Do better.

All of a sudden I’m not so mad about my employer blocking Amazon.

This is ugly.

Wow, we really think it is appropriate to write an article about a private person’s intimate beauty regimen? What possible journalistic value is there in that? I am disappointed in Jezebel.

I don't really need to see her Amazon past orders. This is getting creepy and somewhat an invasion of privacy. Is she terrible? Sure, but now it's like people are going through her trash cans and then posting online what was in them.

Agreed. Meanness for its own sake.

Yes. Humiliation for emails on work server? Sure. But this is an invasion of privacy.

A woman somewhere had a good job, and now her private amazon purchases are news for you to make money off of ridiculing her? Forget anti-feminist; you are a ghoul, and you earn a bad living by making the world a worse place for everyone else.

This feels cruel and vaguely misogynistic. How is it not? Shouldn’t we all be allowed the privacy of our genital grooming routines, unless we decide to become public advocates for the steam cleanse?

This is bullshit. Leave the woman alone.