
that was 4chan i thought? I think they mean Gawker employees, not readers..

I <3 the shit out of AD but didn’t love the second coming. Less storyline symmetry and more deeply hidden jokes in version 3, please!

I feel horrible even admitting this BUT I didn’t love the new season and i’m not as excited about this as i should be i guess. :(

I fucking LOVE Arrested Development, but...

Yep. Google #solidarityisforwhitewomen but don’t read Jez’s take on it. They neglected to acknowledge the fact the majority of the hash tag was directed at this very site since they were the ones, you know, giving him a platform and paying him money to contribute his awful opinions despite the protests of their

haha you know whats funny I didn’t even look at your UN because I know your avatar so well!

I actually really liked him and behind closed ovens. I remember reading some of his stuff where he strongly came out against racism/sexism. But this shit, it’s Hugo Schwyzer 2.0

Thank you for alerting us of this. Something about him always rubbed me verrrrry wrong; it was very Schwyzer-esque, in a whole “I’m over-compensating for my own prejudices by being almost comically aggressive and hostile.”

You’ll be glad to know some people do have screenshots from before they were deleted. I’m hesitant to post the link because quite frankly the site and many of it’s users are well known trolls throughout Gawker but you know what here it is.

I’m actually a guy but yes I wasn’t referring to Kara

“Hello Bruce!”