
I thought Roma people were a nationality instead of a race, making fun of them is like making fun of the irish, or WASPs, morally acceptable because it’s nationalities not races

how hilarious would it be if it was just some illegal immigrant they hired to mow the lawn, like he didn’t even know who it was for, he just saw an overgrown tree while cutting the grass.

you’re a racist for embracing that cultural appropriation, why are you such a piece of shit?

that’s not true. its like saying hating Obama has nothing to do with his race or hating Margaret Thatcher or Hilary Clinton has nothing to do with them being women. No if you hate them its clearly because of you being a bigot

isn’t Stephen Harper from the conservative party still in charge? he was Prime Minster for the last 10 years, so how are conservatives going to a place with the conservatives in full control crazy?

but yet you read it, so that is sort of hyppocritical

Now playing

Theme song for My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. You know it would set Fox on fire

Canada is pretty shitty to minorities though, especially the Native Americans

what reddit thread?

i’d rather have women have jobs that don’t depend on being women-centric, having it be normal to get jobs regardless of what the movie is about will chip away a lot faster. I mean even Redpillers and MRAs say that Kathryn Bigelow is an amazing director and prefer her to Michael Bay, and thats because she wasn’t

supposedly there was a woman president in the US for a few minutes back in the 1800s, that really doesn’t mean much,

from what i hear about Marvel, they are pretty controlling, i assume all other movie Universes, are just as controlling.

Plus this is giving women a chance to direct and if this is successful it opens them up to more opportunities.

everything after Crisis on Infinite Earth must have made Silver Age fans feel the same way, I know it sucks, but each generation has its DC reboot, 5 years from now i guarantee the criticisms will go away

The GOP candidates might suck, but at least they get more than one choice. I’d rather have 5 terrible choices than one.

but you have Trevor Noah as a replacement! he is just as good*

Lieberman completely supported going into Iraq and Afghanistan, when asked in an interview, Al Gore supported it too. Plus Tipper Gore’s bullshit set women’s rights back decades, so 8 more years of that would have basically made sure 3rd wave feminism would never be allowed to exist. but i assume you were a child back

source? i always heard wrestling was actually full of liberals, in both it’s stars and fanbase. I mean Jon Stewart is a wrestling fan.

according to polls, very few people in the US want gay marriage and few people support Obamacare, and few people approve of Obama, and few people want tighter gun control, i’m not saying polls are shit, but yes they are shit

so either the GOP wins now or 8 years from now, is what you’re saying