
This is the city where people kicked a bomb left on the sidewalk and where two tourists took the bag but left the bomb behind.

My dog would go crazy when the mail would come and would sometimes jump on me when I get it. The last time he did it, he landed right on my balls and I punched him in the face in a knee jerk reaction. Fortunately, it wasn’t hard but he hasn’t jumped on me since whenever I get the mail.

“...seeing as he would be a President (not a King)...“

The incarcerated don’t usually stay in prison forever. I don’t know about you but I’d rather have an ex-convict living next to me who earned a degree in prison and using it to better his life than an ex-convict who can bench press 600 lbs. and is pissed off at the world. Have a revolving door and keep spending

Just throwing this out there... does he get conjugal visits? It must really get lonely being stuck in one place for years. Maybe they’re getting sick of him because he watches too much porn? That and the emails were just an added bonus to give them a reason to cut of his internet access.