Tsk, tsk. Time for some better friends. ;)
Tsk, tsk. Time for some better friends. ;)
That's because we all remember it. FONDLY.
I always loved that thing. The styling's a bit dated now, but that colour... ooh, mama!
Hmmm... this poses an interesting social engineering problem as well as a physical engineering problem. Social engineering: put them in places teenagers don't want to go (or can't access easily) - probably will have to regardless, as nobody will want these flying over their back yards. Physical engineering - add…
Why not hydrogen? More abundant... and I dare say technology has progressed enough that we can probably mitigate the possibility of an explosion. (Put a parachute on the turbine itself?)
But why does that benefit me? $150k for a plane, that still leaves me $130k for a car (or 3 or 4). And that $150k plane will have much more capability and abilities than the Terrafugia, and any of my 4 cars will be able to outperform it on the road too. No sale.
While a driveable airplane (or flying car) is an interesting technological achievement, it is and always will be an answer to a question nobody asked. I have to honestly wonder what Terrafugia's business plan looks like, because other than "hemmorage money" I can't imagine there's a business case for selling enough…
So full of awesome, but it would be a lawn ornament. If it at least had the gumption to do some dualie hooning, at a lower price, I could be swayed. As presented, CP.
I see a bit of Honda Crosstour in the rear from the front quarter view. Not too much, but it's there. The improved front end more than makes up for it.
My point exactly! Not to say they aren't good, just that RWD > FWD!
Mmmm, Mazdaspeedalicious.
As many good examples as you've shown, you've yet to show me a car that is in production. Perhaps the lesson here is "FWD used to not suck"? Or just "cars used to not suck"?
What? No! First, FWD was not covered here: [jalopnik.com] and secondly, I'm curious to see what else crops up as cream-of-the-pull-me-crop.
Dammit, guys, stop coming up with examples of great FWD cars!
Preach it, brother!
Fair enough. So long as the Nottinghamshire bobbies didn't smash the window in on a rainy day.