
Flamboyant? Puh-lease.

Hold on. Unless this is an old story, based on what I can find Mansfield UK has been having some typical spring weather - cool days (10C and above - that's 50F for you 'Muricans) and and colder nights (0C and below - 32F). So how is it they justify "saving" a dog from a car by smashing a window? Did they think that

For some reason I want to say Volvo... How many vehicles have rear seatbelt clips that stick up like that, and only have belts for 2 in the rear seat? (Of course, this could be a 3rd row seat...)

No worries, you're not alone.

CGI? BAH!! Let's go old school and play Steve with a Muppet. Here's my nomination.

Just what we need... hybrid hipsters.

Blastolene Special. Tank engine, bus transmission, chrome everything, and HUGE.

Anton Impulse Viking. Sure, it actually treads gently, but it does so while screaming profanities at you. JUST LOOKIT IT!

Paramount Group Marauder. /thread

I still remember the day in highschool I helped a friend move with my S-10. Going one way, we were filled up. Going back, we were empty, and the railway track had such a nice ramp leading up to it... took many tries, but I think I finally got some air! (Frackin' miracle with that putzy, wheezy, gutless 2.8L...)

What, nobody thinks it the least bit odd that he (or his co-conspiritor, who has left to find a replacement trailer part) just happened to have a full-size traffic pylon to warn motorists of the flat black obstacle parked on the shoulder? I wonder if they put out a flare further back out-of-frame?...

Lightsaber. /thread

I so want one of those... not for the candy, but to make a horrific Tom Servo/Dalek mash-up so I can entertain/terrorize my neighbourhood at Halloween.

$2k for a project with no motivation? Jamaican no sense, mon. CP.

Sounds like you're talking about a Drive-To-Tree Feller-Buncher - essentially a beefed-up front end loader with a harvesting head on the front in place of the bucket.

When the highway's been closed by some trucks that got hosed, that's Ramore....

Obvious troll is obvious.

Faked? No, no... they just filled the tires with helium. It's the new nitrogen, ya know.

Looks good.... but we'll never see it like that.

Cars look awesome wet. A wet iPhone just looks like money disappearing.