Do - a dear?
Do - a dear?
The CR-Z could be a worthy successor... if it didn't cost so damned much and be crippled by a hybrid-only drivetrain. Sigh.
Always wanted one, never did get one. Had a del Sol, which was still fun, but from what I understand simply not the same. (Especially as mine wasn't an Si.)
Honda CR-X. Light, fun, FWD, fuel efficient, fun, affordable... I don't think anyone was expecting it. (It then begat the surprise of the del Sol, which surprised everyone by NOT being a successor to the CR-X...)
THAT is the one BMW I'd want. Not the M135i specifically, but the 3-door "clownshoe". Saw many a 118d over in France and simply cannot believe that BMW won't bring that particular body over to us. Hear me, BMW? This is the ONLY vehicle of yours I want, be it anything from a 118i (or even 118d) up to and including…
If it's not A Team, then it's B Team. Keep warming the bench, CP.
NO! MOAR! "TEASER"Z!!!! PLSKTHXBAI!!!!!!eleven
1 is a Corvair. And for some damned reason, my brain is telling me that 9 is NOT a Mustang, but a GT40. (Google Images proves my brain wrong.)
Depending on how the survey was conducted (and there is fine print essentially saying "YMMV" which leads me to believe it doesn't really represent the entire USA at all), 1000 people is a valid survey sample. 2000 is quite sufficient. However, no polling method is going to get a TRUE cross-section of any population,…
I'm voting for a backwoods Northern Ontario logging road (not this exact one: []). Back when I worked for a logging machinery manufacturer, I went out to a customer's work site, which was a good 15 minutes off the "highway", down a rough logging road made of very coarse and sharp gravel. I was driving the…
What, so it can breed?? Fillet the sucker now and be done with it.
I'm going to say any of the Skip Barber School locations. Mazda 3s and MX-5s, Formula 2000s, Lotuses, Porsches, Lexuses, superbikes... OK, so they're not as impressive (i.e. opulent) as other schools' vehicles, but THESE ONES YOU CAN DRIVE. If that's not nice, what is??
Fair enough... but it's still ironic.
Funny that Teslas are being bricked, but the original Rav4 EVs are still soldiering on (and fetching a pretty penny when sold). Maybe Toyota should be *selling* battery tech to Tesla?
How To Make Money From Bricked Tesla Roadsters:
Rebuilt engine? We all know how well that worked for Clarkson's Merak. I LOVE the Esprit, but CP for short on details and unknown "rebuild".
He needs to enunciate more, and whiten his teeth less.
Yes, fiery death is good.
You have too cook it first.