I'm not a collector, and thereby I'm not paying ANYTHING for a 30+ year old vehicle of noted unreliability and biodegradability. I'm not on the crackpipe, I'm just pragmatic. CP all the way.
I'm not a collector, and thereby I'm not paying ANYTHING for a 30+ year old vehicle of noted unreliability and biodegradability. I'm not on the crackpipe, I'm just pragmatic. CP all the way.
Ferrari is obviously following Lotus' new mantra, "ignore mass, add power".
Hey, if I can pick up an occasional fare, so much the better! MOAR MONEEZ!!
Everyone here is off the mark. Even the question is misleading. It shouldn't be "which color" should come back, but "should color come back?" Look at the so-called "color palette" for any typical vehicle - white, black, grey, silver, dark grey, platinum, slate, pearl white, arctic white, taupe, beige...and if…
Actually, a good deal of Locost builds are Miata-based.
That's easy - make sure to carry sufficient speed, don't wear your seatbelt, and aim for ravines, poorly-reinforced bridge railings, or oncoming trucks or trains. Guaranteed you'll never be prosecuted.
Here's the antidote.
Five Benjamins + limo tint + futon = stick shift lover's limo. Prom's a-comin' - rent it out for half the purchase price! NP!!!
+1. That was a car set on fire and then flipped. CAR NO ASSPLODE.
(I'm not really Matthew, I just play him on Twitter. Shh.)
An Open Letter To An Avid Reader (CC: Jalopnik)
Pshaw. If I can't drink a G&T while adventuring, what good is it? Top Gear Polar Hilux FTW.
This looks way more refined than the North American version I managed to find:
You missed Scion! How could you have missed Scion, with the FR-S goodness coming???
John Cooper M, then?
2-speed? What gives here? Next thing you know The Morning Shift will be a CVT and just be one run-on sentence.
But that takes the readership's participation out of the equation. Let's rename it "Who Pays Who?", and we vote on whether we'd pay to take it away, or have to be paid to do so. We could even expand the voting options to four: