Obviously they mean "non-invasive" in the relative sense. I don't even have a cervix, but seeing an image of a device clamped on to one... *heebie jeebies*
Obviously they mean "non-invasive" in the relative sense. I don't even have a cervix, but seeing an image of a device clamped on to one... *heebie jeebies*
Yeah, well... stalk is cheap.
I'm surprised it took this long to happen. I would've thought an E85 Ferrari engine to be a very natural thing.
There might just be a kernel of truth to that.
+1 for calling misguided Gawker cross-posting bullshit what it is.
My co-worker bought a Swiss army surplus Unimog 404 for the same price. Mileage was a quarter of this G's, the condition was way better, it was already tagged for road-legal use... just a better deal all around. Of course, it couldn't hit 65 mph unless it went over a cliff, but if you're in the market for a European…
Well, phooey. Can't blame me for hoping...
Cause infertility?? Free vasectomy, no recovery, just lots of drinking? WIN! (I have all the kids I could ever want/need at this point...)
I can't wait to jailbreak it!!
Oooh, riiiiight... forgot about that one.
Now that you mention it, you're half right... it's not the product itself, it's the ecosystem. So Apple fuel stations would pop up everywhere (well, in every major metropolitan area) and have a Genius Garage. You could accessorize and upgrade your vehicle in-store. Just don't try filling your tires elsewhere, as…
Here's an alternative question for those that don't have much/any love for Apple: What would an Android Car (or Blackberry Car) actually look like?
Ironic name is ironic.
Wouldn't it also be round and ill-fitting to your foot?
You get a free one-on-one session at the Mini Genius Bar at your local Mini Store.
Wait wait wait... So, the USS RR is coming from being stationed in Asia to drop sailors off in Washington state en route to getting upgrades, right? OK, but think about that for a second... that means these sailors had cars at the beginning of this trip. In Asia. Are you saying that all these vehicles came over…
This is why I stay the fuck away from Toronto.
I can't take credit... the caption writes itself!