Well, they’ve said they will “look into” an arcade mode. But, as TouchMyPokeman said earlier, Survival is pretty much arcade mode with a few tweaks.
Well, they’ve said they will “look into” an arcade mode. But, as TouchMyPokeman said earlier, Survival is pretty much arcade mode with a few tweaks.
Saw the movie tonight (it premiered before the US here for some reason).
I pretty much freaked out when I saw Bryan Fuller is heading the new show:
The core gameplay and online netcode is rock-solid. There’s just a bit low amount of single player content. Survival Mode is actually rather meaty and an ok replacement for Arcade mode for the time being.
Well with the servers still being a bit shaky I for sure would be annoyed to get branded a quitter because the server sneezed on me mid-match.
Considering what a huge deal he’s making out of other people’s bedroom matters, I welcome anything that would expose his hypocrisy. Not that it seems to matter to Republican voters anyway. One mention of god and having prayed for forgiveness and they seem to forget it ever happened.
Most likely a bug that lets you play import games on the WiiU. That’s what pretty much all 3DS system updates “fix”.
Yeah, but only one of the parties seems to field pathological liars as presidential candidates
Oh it is. If you ended that game with 0 XP, you don’t have to start all over again iirc
without having seen the movie, it’s hard to tell what the context of that scene is. The later Disney animated movies have actually been pretty poignant, I wouldn’t be surprised if the scene could be seen as commentary.
7200 RPM drives aren’t automatically significantly faster than 5400 RPM drives though.
7200 RPM drives aren’t automatically significantly faster than 5400 RPM drives though.
Actually, if you want an portable external drive JUST for the Wii U, you can grab a cheap old USB 2 drive. The Wii Us USB ports are only 2.0 anyway, so faster portable drives are a waste on the Wii U. Because of the lower power output of USB 2, these drives usually come with a Y cable as well.
Actually, if you want an portable external drive JUST for the Wii U, you can grab a cheap old USB 2 drive. The Wii…
Watch it again. Palpatine LET Windu win. He needed to show Anakin that the “just and noble” Jedi would kill an unarmed man, so he would come to the “dark” side.
Well that’s what you get when you let JJ Abrams put the true main character of the movie in his mystery box. All the trailers made her seem like Finn’s sidekick.
Because while it is an entertaining movie from a hit franchise, it is also incredibly safe, by the numbers, and has gaping JJ plotholes you can fly a Star Destroyer through.
I had an edible each of the nights I watched two movies in the 4,5,1,2,3,6 order and had a total blast. Yes even Phantom Menace :)
I rewatched them in Machete order ´(with Phantom Menace) over the last week and it has been a blast. The prequels I’ve only ever seen once when they came out, 4-6 I must have seen a few times over the years but only ever in German.
No “Subete wa F ni naru” (Everything Becomes F - The Perfect Insider)?! I call for a recount!
I’m kinda bitter about the Yakuza series in a likely irrational way.
You’re spending 1000$ plus at a store. I was ready to go for it and would have had to return it due to the useless game mode.
You’re spending 1000$ plus at a store. I was ready to go for it and would have had to return it due to the useless…