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    Holy crap, Homeland is back in fine form. This episode reminded me of the Season One finale with a supposedly "mad" character seeing more than meets the eye, desperately trying to get a trusted confidant to come around and believe them. Add to that the juxtaposition of the in-your-face intensity of Quinn's standoff

    I love how Fitz's berating of Abby was about the fact that she assumed his own interests exceeded those of the country. Dude, come on. You started a WAR to save your mistress. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone…

    "The universe sure does like white men. Ah, who am I kidding, so do I."

    Scandal has become a complete and total trainwreck — an utter shell of its former self.

    My two favorite web series, mentioned one right after the other — LOVE IT!

    My Top 5:

    "Ping Pong Girl"? Wasn't it "Thought Bubbles"?

    No babe.

    That moment in front of the judge helped me understand why Rebecca's mom, from the very first episode, was so much in favor of Rebecca becoming a big-shot lawyer and so angry about her moving to California. Any kind of "achievement" in Rebecca's life (like becoming a partner in a prominent law firm) could be seen, at

    Yep. This episode once again reminded me that FITZ IS THE WORST.

    Well put!

    OMG those were my thoughts exactly

    Biggest laugh of the episode for me has got to be the mail package playing piano. So random lol.

    YOU GUYS… the official "Period Sex" music video was released with tonight's episode.

    Wow, this is a really good read on the show and Rebecca's character. Thanks for sharing.

    Oh, man. I just got that Rebecca's one of those "weirdos out there". Totally missed that while watching the episode.

    Haha, right? Dr. Akopian's eye roll at the beginning of the scene was classic.

    Also, later in the intro, there's one woman in the line of dancers that doesn't tilt her head on the 🎵 "So, you can't call her crazy!"🎵

    Anyone else love the fact that the C.O.W. song had harmony?

    Anyone else love the "West Covina" mini-reprise? I especially appreciated the butter billboard that read, "So glad you're finally with Josh!" next to the Miss Douche billboard.