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    The musical undertones of the dream ballet were ingenious. In Valencia's ballet, it went from "I'm the Villain in My Own Story" to "One Indescribable Instant." Rebecca's ballet, on the other hand, went from "I'm Just a Girl in Love" to "I'm a Good Person". BRILLIANT!

    Total throwback to that poor yellow bird from last season.

    Anyone else see Dr. Ziev uncomfortably rearranging her pose around the piano while Jeremy was playing? She clearly didn't want to be there but wanted to seem normal lol.

    I love the lyric about a 30 year mortgage. It totally reminded me of buying a house in Portland.

    Joke of the episode for me:

    My favorite nurses' strike sign: "RN't you sick of unfair treatment"

    I've read every Nancy Drew.

    The running gag of the fax machine was amazing. I must admit, though, when Eddie first mentioned faxing Allison, I was like, "Why doesn't he just email her…oh wait…"

    It’s not an issue of whether the translation situation is realistic or not; it’s how the character is portrayed and used in the storyline that's the problem.

    So no mention of the more than slightly insensitive — and wholly unnecessary — B plot surrounding the Korean pitcher? I'm hardly one to rail on such things, but come on, I thought TV shows were supposed to be making progress on topics like these. It's almost ironic coming from a show like Pitch, which is otherwise

    I love how Mindy calls Mara Ashburn "a bananagram" of Sarah Branum lol

    Hmmm, I didn't warm to this episode nearly as much as Emily did. It all felt quite random and overstuffed with characters, plot lines, and ideas. New Girl works best when it relies on a streamlined concept that underscores the relationships of the ensemble — not when it pursues hijinks for the sake of laughs.

    This is a great read on the characters, and after reading your comment I went to re-watch parts of the episode because, like ChrisD, I also initially felt the Rebecca-Greg pairing developed far quicker than the narrative warranted. Keeping your comment in mind, I was shocked by the details I had missed before.

    Or Selfie?!

    Wow, this is a great read on the characters.

    I see what you did there…

    "Man, Eddie, you really came through…in a pinch…" Said so dryly.

    As much as I loved this episode, I think there was a missed opportunity to touch on the fact that Evan learned bossiness from his mother because he embraced Jessica's ideal of striving for perfection — not just because no one listens to him. I can relate a lot to Evan when it comes to taking after my Chinese American

    "Hi, Mrs. Huang, it's 5 days 'til my birthday!"
    "Okay. Thank you, JJ."
    "Tomorrow, it'll be FOUR days."
    "Go to your OWN car now, JJ. Bye!"

    It may be anticlimatic, yes, but it does make sense, plot-wise. We would assume that Evie was the one who gave the order to kill Delphine, so Duko seems to be the likeliest candidate — he pretty much did all of Evie's dirty work.