
I hate that he and his family have gone through this. I do not in the least bit feel bad about the NFL’s decision. It’s a company, there to make money. Period. He can express himself outside of work... he is in a much better postion to do so than 99% of people.

The ball is not a time keeping device, but rather an indicator for a time keeping device. Come on!

The ball is not a time keeping device... it is merely the indicator for a time keeping device. Come on!

Any semi-auto deer hunting rifle can be ‘rapid fired’. Rapid is subjective, so is “configured for combat use.” Total BS.

Dumb. I drive a manual... I stall about once a year. It happens. Why do we need to pay for such unnecessary features? Make it stop!


I’m not that’s correct. It’s pretty darn easy (relatively speaking) to launch an orbiting telescope... Hubble has been the single most successful telescope in history. Aside from being realy far away, landing a large telescope would be very costly and precarious. I’m not saying we shouldn’t / won’t... I just think

It is not fine. Connecticut could make up a new definition of rape as sex between a red-headed man and a blonde woman... That doesn’t make it accurate. There is NO difference between an AR-15 and, e.g. a .223 hunting rifle that is semi-auto... Cosmetics only, that scare the gun ingorant.

I found myself wincing with anticipation every time they prepared to fire another round. Gotta love Russia (at least I assume it’s Russia).

What’s an assault rifle? Stop using that nonsense term.

Forget simulating protein folding, we need more processing power to determine the ‘best’ thumbnail for the billions of crappy youtube vidoes. Love it :-/

I love them all!