This is how you need to approach your consumer electronics in the age of having children.
So for the last two weeks, my PlayStation 4 hasn’t been working.
There’s always the next game, except when there isn’t.
you go to a junior collenge
I think we just did... :(
Wide deceiver???
Sounds like my ex wife!!!
eye-surgeon at 11:12pm reminds us of Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer
At 11:14pm MrMojoIsMojo gives a bit longer of a routine
Hey how’s everybody doing I hope everyone’s doing great. Some folks wrote some comedy comments so I want to make sure that their comedic talents are fully appreciated by everyone at Jalopnik so I’ll start up a thread to give out some cheers and some jeers.
“Ambidextrous relief pitcher Pat Venditte is ambidextrous has been Major League Baseball for about a year.”
If he were a child of the 80’s, he would have known to just time a jab to the midsection on the third hop of the bull charge for an easy KO win.