
Putting aside for a second the absolute ridiculousness of the President of the United States giving a shit about ratings for a press conference, was he saying that he did it that night because he thought the ratings would be higher due to the hurricane, or he did it that night in order to raise ratings so more people

Franken’s book is great for a number of reasons, but particularly how he details the ways he did pay his dues and learned how to be a legislator. He spent his time on Air America learning from guests and doing research for his shows. Once elected, he took the advice to show up for every committee meeting, study

The Rock is everyone’s type.

He looks like a gigantic Taika Waititi.

All men look better in a properly fitted suit.

Counterpoint: all men look better if they are Dwayne Johnson.*

The comparison is not even fair, but that’s beside the point. What this election has taught us is that celebrities who don’t have any previous policy experience have no place in dictating it once in office. Just go study and pay your dues (a la Al Franken) or stay in your lane.

Oh my (George Takei voice)!

I’ve never seen The Rock in any films, but I get the sense what he’s selling is...Major Enthusiasm. He’s like Tom Cruise without the Scientology. Also, it seems like he’s replaced Tom Cruise and Will Smith. I could be totally wrong, but this is what his career looks like from afar.

The Rock Obama

I thought the shivering sea freezing over was a hilarious twist! It fits right in with all of Martin’s historical references. Hadrian’s Wall, the Great Wall of China, etc., all just as impressive as they were pointless.

You should not be able to defeat magic by loophole.

I think viserion will breathe ice and freeze the shivering sea allowing them to walk across it, combo of 2 of the theories they listed

Most likely book hypothesis, mild spoiler-ish content:

Starred for Upvoted.

damn I only now realized that the bear scene existed only to introduce us to the idea of undead animals, so the turning dragon seems more plausible

The car chase is by far the action highlight of the movie, but the fight scenes - particularly the finale with the Joker - are nearly incomprehensible.

Amy Acker was so incredible in Person of Interest. Root is my favorite female character in a long while.

This reminds me of the sometimes average/sometimes amazing show Person of Interest, in which the lead character shot approximately 300 people in the kneecap. It was supposed to be a good thing, because he wasn’t just a killing machine anymore, but I was glad the show was self aware enough to make fun of it later on.