
No one (at least not here, if you go down short seller rabbit hole far enough you’ll learn that Tesla only ever made 179 cars and SpaceX faked all their launches) is claiming that they didn’t make the cars they said they did, rather that they were knowingly promising to make some of those cars during the time they

All the JEGS stickers.  

I have a magnet on mine of the school my oldest son attends. He was SO stoked I put this on my car because I do not ever put stickers on my car with the exception of a really cool duck silhouette.  

Not all OEM+, but the prancing moose always gets a pass.

This is going to be my new wallpaper. I don’t mean on my phone or my computer. I mean on my actual walls.

In exchange for the favourite racetrack, I also like a smaller map of every track that specific car has driven.


I won’t say cars are “TOO FAST”, but I will say I’d rather be going the same speed in a happy GTI than a deeply frustrated RS7 - it’s every nervous robo-nanny keeping me from wrapping us around a bridge abutment. And on my commute, I’m always going to be around the same speed no matter what I’m driving. 220hp will

Heck, it even had those nice white stripes on the street pointing you toward it.

Get a fleet of go karts all controlled by the same person. Swarm your opponents. They can’t get ahead of you if you cover the track from wall to wall.

Ariel Atom!

Look, I’m not pointing fingers, I’m just not entirely convinced 9/11 isn’t your fault.

What is that, an early 90's Dodge Bearavan?

My cat brought a chipmunk into the house and it got away and hid in the bathroom. My wife was too scared to do anything about it so she just shut the bathroom door and left the house. By the time I got there two days later the poor fucker had drowned in the shitter, probably dying of thirst, then dying of not-thirst.

Nah.  India cabbies would have got REALLY close, but somehow miss it.

I’m absolutely completely sure that those employees who instead choose to work a 40 hr week are totally not at all penalized or even noticed as aberrant in their corporate culture! Nope, definitely not.

More importantly, we obviously don’t expect anyone else to work this way.”

as long as they get paid overtime, i wouldnt mind. >.> I love overtime at my work.  = More money to pay off debts

How long do you play a game that you know you don’t like?

At some point we get a head of the DOE that mandates that personal finance courses be made mandatory for HS graduation.  Doesn’t get to all people, but it’s a start...