
These 3 young ladies (Nia and her older sisters Latifa and Nishiya) were out, living their lives, right? Just 3 American Women kickin’ it. Nia last act was a simple gesture, she was doing what most good people do, helping someone out when someone killed her and almost killed her big sister.

Can you put DEET in a powerwasher? Asking for a friend.

I have no clue why mankind has not eradicated mosquitos. They serve about 0 purpose as a food source for any animal or insect and they kill and maim hundreds of thousands of people annually. They also ruin your cookout.

I mean, I had my heavily abused 88 with the 1.3L back in 2005-ish. Being brand new probably helps. Though even after rebuilding the engine, which let me take a second to say was the easiest engine rebuild I’ve ever done, it would struggle to inch past 60mph without external assistance.

Agree with him or not, you implied this comment to jab the current US president who had nothing to do with Suzuki leaving the US. I come to Jalop to partly escape the politics on some article, please don’t force your narrative. Some of us really are here for the article and pictures :)

“I never thought anything like this would happen to me...”

Bullshit. No one likes the tuna here. 

Just remember, you shook his hand before you got in the car. And you probably touched your face too.

Nice to see David got sent to jolly old to cover current events, but you should have gotten him a nicer rental.

Now festival can be called Goodfirewood.

Probably had an LS 400 with nice wheels and you know, suspension.

“apparently drugged”

the first time I had pappa john’s as a teenager in Texas, I thought Ihad discovered the best pizza ever. Then I discovered diarrhea that made me miss a Vanilla Ice concert.

The chugging isn’t even that impressive - it’s obviously a ginger beer.

He’s just trying to make his household CAFE numbers.

Do you also have a poop knife?

You drove what is nearly unquestionably the worst rotary/transmission combo.

“Don’t scrub hard or soap it up”

Pro Tip: